|Chapter 13| Suicide

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It only got worse, you began to see Charles and his bottled monstrosities, the invaders began to pop up everywhere, Gladys and Maria were regularly visiting, and now you met a new person, hidden in the basement. You couldn't take this, Tate wasn't aloud to talk to you and when he tried he would ask why you were so distant and cold, he asked did you want him to leave and you said no but he still didn't show up much anymore, where he was you didn't know, and as more and more days past you couldn't walk though your house, you had visions, you couldn't breathe sometimes, so all you did when it got worse was pull the bottle of pills up sitting them beside a new rose from Tate, before swallowing the entirety of them. Vision blurring, your mind faded in and out and the last thing you knew was that your body slumped down as Tate pleaded for your safety in sobbing tears

Water rushed down your body, soaking your clothes as you spat out disgusting colours of pills.
"Don't leave me don't leave me don't leave me don't leave me!"Tate cried behind you
His hand were rapped around your body, his tears warm against your back.
"Why would you do that (Y/N) why did you try to leave me??"He wailed
Your heart ached as you heard hook cry, you turned your face to his as tears slipped from your own eyes.
"I couldn't handle all of the dead people!"
His lips met yours, his kisses were always passionate and as he kissed you, barely saving you you forgave him for everything, you couldn't help it. You were in love with a killer ghost, a psychopath by the name of Tate Langdon.
"I love you so much don't leave me please please don't leave me!"He sobbed into the kiss
"I won't Tate, I love you."

-Chapter 13-
Word count: 322
Date Written: 14-10-17

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