Chappy 1

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"Don't you fucking get it?! Are you telling me how you're such an idiot that you couldn't see it?! You wanna know the fucking truth so bad?! Fine! I fucking love you! Okay?! I'm so fucking in love with you that the fact that you have been so fucking blind makes me even angrier! Are you happy now?!"

(Y/n) stared back at the male, her eyes wide open in shock, her mouth wide agape as she processed the new information. The other students' expression was no different from (Y/n)'s, shocked beyond words as they witnessed something that deemed the unthinkable.

The king of assholes actually having feelings.

And not only that.

The king of assholes actually having feelings for a taken girl, whose boyfriend glared back at Katsuki with murderous intentions.

Shouto was beyond himself with rage on how the ash-blond had decided to come clean with his feelings even after specifically ordering him not to by a series of death threats.

(Y/n), on the other hand, had far more different thoughts than the others. Hers was focusing on the fact of how she had not managed to realize that he had feelings for her. She always prided herself on her good noticing skills yet she failed so miserably at noticing this.


Suddenly, she felt like everyone's attention was on her. Waiting.

Waiting for what (Y/n) would say to Katsuki.

And it put so much pressure on her. She considered the male as her friend, though he would sometimes lash out at her as per his nature, it would still hurt her to reject him. It would have been a little better if it were in private, but now, everyone was watching.

She knew the humiliation that would come with her rejection and she hated it. But then, she couldn't also accept him. Not when Shouto was literally breathing down her neck, watching her as he too awaited her response. Even Katsuki, his red eyes boring holes into her own.

"Well?! Say some-" he asked, impatience gnawing in his mind.


Katsuki's eyes widened at her immediate response, as her expression had turned stoic, hiding away the pain of humiliating him.

"What?" he choked out, his voice barely above a whisper.

"No. To everything."

Le present day***

Katsuki sat in his usual chair, his crossed legs resting on top of his desk as he swung his chair back and forth. His mind was occupied with different things. How to be the next top hero, how he hates everyone especially Deku, how he wanted to go mountain climbing, but more specifically, his mind revolved most on one thought.

"Momo! We're here!"


Katsuki stopped swinging his chair, turning his head slightly to face the couple entering the class. His eyes were trained on the (h/c)-haired girl who skipped along to hug her best friend, Momo Yaoyorozu. (Y/n)'s face lit up in happiness, her smile sending multiple shock waves throughout the ash-blonde male body. That was something only she could ever do, lighten up his day.

If only she knew of his feelings for her, maybe then, she'd look his way. But then, there was only one thing stopping her.

"(Y/n), come 'ere."


(Y/n) chuckled, as she pulled away from her Yaoyorozu with a 'see ya' to walk towards Shouto, placing herself on his lap. He smiled at her before capturing her lips with his, something that made the boy want to tear the whole class apart.

He hated him. He hated him for having (Y/n)'s attention and love.

Something that should belong to him. And only him.

Katsuki always got what he wanted. He would always be number one, not the second best. And he would show Shouto that he would never second best to him. Never.

Katsuki turned his head away from the sight, hanging his head down as he glared at his lap. His mind was still jumbled up with images of (Y/n) sitting on his lap and kissing him, instead of Shouto, something he'd always do to clear the painful memory of seeing (Y/n) with Shouto.

He smirked at the thoughts, even going further as to imagining him taking her on his very desk after everyone had gone home. He could almost feel it, her soft (s/c) skin against his as he explored every inch of her body.

The way she'd scream out his name whenever he...


Said boy silently gasped at the voice, his eyes widening slightly before completely wiping away the surprise from his face. He slowly lifted his head up to look at the girl, a scowl plastered on his face, the complete opposite of the red hue tinting his cheeks.

"The fuck you want?" he asked, turning away from the girl's smiling face that made his heart beat faster.

"Why were you smirking at your lap?" (Y/n) asked as she sat down on the chair next to Katsuki, her usual seat.

Katsuki's face reddened even more at the innocent question, his dirty thoughts about the girl flowing back in his mind.

"Shut up," he muttered in embarrassment, thanking the fact that he had turned his head away from the girl so she couldn't see his fierce blush.

He hated himself for feeling that way. If it were five months ago, he would've slapped himself silly for even imagining himself blushing.

And here he is.

Blushing like a teenage girl in love.

But isn't that what he is? Teenage and in love? But not the girl part, he had enough proof of that.

He would've chosen to ignore her but how could he when she sat next to him?

Maybe I'll fucking ignore her. Maybe she'll shut up and make this easier for me....even though I'd rather spend my life listening to her beautiful fucking voice.....Katsuki thought as he rested his cheek on his hand as he turned his head to glare at the board.

(Y/n) smiled to herself as she drummed her fingers on her desk, awaiting Aizawa's arrival. Her mind clicked in the realization of having forgotten something and turned back to the ash-blond.

"Oh and Katsuki? I missed you over the weekend," (Y/n) giggled as she took in the reddening face of Katsuki, mistaking it for anger over her joke.

But (Y/n) was wrong. Katsuki had believed in her words, blushing wildly at the thought of his crush actually missing him and it made his heart soar.

He sighed in defeat as he turned slightly away from the girl, trying to block out her giggles that sounded like a symphony to his ears.

Her laugh.

Her smile.

It all drove him crazy.

I have to make her mine, even if it's the last thing I do...


If you're confused, the part in italics is a foreshadowing. Hope you liked it!

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