Chappy 53

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"Huh? You're back again?"

(Y/n) and Katsuki exchanged looks before the girl shrugged at the old woman, who cast a skeptical eye at them from her seat in her office. The two had agreed on paying the nurse a visit, in hopes that she'd have an idea of what was happening to (Y/n).

"I uh...have a slight problem," the girl confessed as she scratched the back of her neck.

"Yes, I figured that out when you were here this morning," Recovery Girl said as she got off her seat and walked over to them. "I also see that your eyes are red again. Is this boy the whole reason you're crying?"

Katsuki scoffed and shoved his hands in his pockets while scowling at Recovery Girl. (Y/n) briefly glanced at him and shook her head, a small fake smile etched on her lips.

"No, he's not," she said. "He’s here to keep me company. Anyway, about why we're here..."

"Yes, what about it?"

The female began playing with her fingers as she figured on how to capture her words. "It's uh...something about my uh...Quirk. It's gone kinda of...rogue?"

Recovery Girl gave her a blank look, not understanding what she meant by that.

"How does a Quirk go rogue?" the old woman questioned her dubiously. "As far as I know, you have good control over your Quirk."

(Y/n) sighed and lifted a shoulder. "Well, that's the thing. I don't have control over it anymore. And's not as it was before..."

Recovery Girl stared at her, an unreadable expression on her aged features. (Y/n) could feel herself get self-conscious by the passing second the woman continued staring at her.

She probably thinks I'm a delusional teen going through a nervous breakdown and imagining my own things...

"Show me."


"Show me how exactly your Quirk is going rogue," the woman repeated, leaning her weight on her syringe-shaped staff as she peered at the girl in wait.

"Uh..." the girl looked at Katsuki, who simply rose his eyebrow to signal her to activate her Quirk. She turned back to Recovery Girl and winced sheepishly. "I really don't know how to start it."

Recovery Girl tilted her head slightly at the girl in disbelief. "You don't know how to start your Quirk?"

She shook her head. "No. No, it's not that. I just don't know how to start it."

The grey-haired woman noted her emphasis on the word 'it' and straightened up a bit in interest. (Y/n) noticed this and sighed. Seeing is believing and even though she didn't know how to activate the mysterious black color, she had to try.

"Ok um..." she began as she took a couple of steps away from the two, "just...just watch."

The female then splayed her arms in front of her and took in a deep breath. She stared at her arms willfully as she began activating her Quirk. She bit her lip in concentration, finding it harder to activate it than it normally was before her death. First of all, she was exhausted and that didn't make it any easier too.

A bead of sweat formed on her brow as she struggled to activate it but to no avail. All she had managed to do was to make herself somewhat dizzy.

(Y/n) sighed in defeat and placed her hand on her forehead, her eyes closed as she tried to overcome her dizziness.


The girl opened her eyes to look at the hand that was placed on her shoulder and looked up at its owner who gazed at her intently. She placed her hand down and inhaled sharply, her heavy eyes giving him the impression that she just wanted sleep.

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