Chappy 15

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"Hmm...Nope. Not that."

"Not mine."

"Nope. Too baggy.

"Ugh, faded."

"Why did I...even buy this?!"

"This...what the fuck? I thought I threw you out! No!"

(Y/n) heaved out a resigned sigh and placed her hands on her hips as she looked at the clothes that were strewn all over her bedroom floor. All the while with no pants on, she had spent a good ten minutes looking for suitable sweats to wear but hadn't found one. Most were either dirty or just not fitting her taste at the moment. Normally, she would have slapped on some jeans and gone her way but she wasn't too big on the idea of having her jeans smell like ash, smoke, and other questionable smells.

Her (e/c) eyes scanned the nearly half-empty closet which was only filled with tops and sweaters sans pants. She threw her head back in a groan before going over to her laundry basket. She began digging out the clothes in it while searching for her choice of clothing.

"Ah hah!" she exclaimed triumphantly while pulling out a pair of black sweatpants. She brought it closer to her nose and took a deep whiff of it.

Satisfied that it somehow still had the smell of detergent on it and not sweat and dust, she shrugged and put in on before proceeding to return the fallen clothes back to their rightful places.

As she walked over to her bed, a small 'oh' escaped her lips and she made a detour to the bathroom. She stopped by her mirror to check her appearance. She stared at her reflection for a while, eyes looking herself up from her waist up and back down. She pursed her lips when her eyes fell on her loose hair and she figured that it would be better if it was tied instead. Making a quick dash back to her room to pick up a hairband and back, she fixed her hair in a ponytail. While doing so, her eyes caught on to an exposed patch of skin and they darted to that particular spot. Her loose top had risen up.

When she was done with her hair, (Y/n) let her hands fall back to her sides and the hem of the top fell back down, covering her skin. Furrowing her brows, she repeated the procedure while facing sideways too and noticed that her stomach would only be exposed whenever her hands are lifted up. Facing back the mirror, she contemplated on whether to change it or not but then brushed away the second thoughts with a dismissive shrug. It wasn't like she was going to be lifting her hands anywhere and certainly not around him...

Returning back to her room, she grabbed a jacket from her bed and pulled it on, grabbed her phone from her bedside table and exited her room. She went downstairs to the front door and put on her shoes.

"Oh, honey!" Nanami's voice resonated from the hallway as she emerged from the kitchen, still in her pajamas and purple sleeping gown while holding a steaming cup of coffee in one hand. "You didn't tell me you're going out!"

"Oh, yeah, must've forgotten," (Y/n) finished slipping on the last of her shoe and straightened up to face her aunt. "But I'm heading out now so..." she sent her a mock salute with the hand that was holding on to her phone. "Ciao."

"You don't have school today. I thought you were going to rest. Where are you going?" Nanami asked before taking a sip of her beverage.

"Uh..." (Y/n)'s flickered between Nanami and the wall next to her. "To school?"

Nanami raised a puzzled eyebrow at her words. "To school? What for?"

The girl sighed and walked closer to her aunt to take the cup from her. "I'm going to meet a friend."

"Oh come on (Y/n)," her aunt let her take the cup with a wink. "You don't have to be embarrassed. If you're going on a date with Shouto, you could always tell me."

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