Chapter I

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I closed the door to my small cabin and stepped out into the darkening woods. "Remember," Mom called, "don't be out long!" "Okay!" I called back.

I heard a distant voice but didn't really care too much, drunks and drug abusers were common around my area. I walked deep into the woods, admiring the beautiful scenery. 

"Nothing is as beautiful as the forest."  I thought. The deeper I ventured, the louder the voice became. I looked around but didn't see anyone. It was a woman by the sound of her voice. I couldn't understand what she was saying.

"Hello, is anyone here?" I called, hoping for an answer. Silence. Footsteps crushed leaves behind me and I turned. No one. "I know you're there, don't be afraid," I said.

I heard a chuckle. "I am not afraid," replied a British woman. "Then come out," I told her. "Then you'll be afraid." said the woman softly. I thought for a moment before speaking. "No, I won't,  I promise," I replied. 

What I thought was a normal, six-foot tall, woman came out from behind a large tree. I then noticed black, twisted horns resting on her head. The horns were wrapped in black leather, concealing any traces of hair. She clutched a black staff with an eerie green orb at the top, held in place with black vines. Her emerald green eyes stayed locked on me. Her ruby red lips were as perfect as they could get. She donned a long-sleeved, black gown with the sleeves, sewn together all the way down, hanging down to her thighs. The gown trailed behind her for what looked to be endless.  A black choker concealed most of her neck and the hard leather on each side of the neck stuck outward like leaves. A black, teardrop, jewel gleamed in between her breasts. Her cheekbones were rather extreme, they almost looked fake. Her pale skin glowed in contrast to her attire.

Her voice was like silk and iron. "What is your purpose?" 

"Purpose?" I echoed. 

The woman now looked just as confused as me. "Did you not receive one?"

"I have yet to discover mine," I said. It wasn't a lie, at least, to me, it wasn't. 

The woman looked at me quizzically. "Clearly you do not wield magic." 

I nodded. "Who are you?" 

The woman looked at me for a long moment. "Why would I reveal my identity to such a clueless girl such as yourself?" she hissed. 

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," I said quickly. 

Her gaze softened. "I am not, but you may want to keep this safe." She reached into her night-woven gown and pulled out an old book. She handed it to me. 

"What is this?" I asked. 

"Read only but you may return at dusk if you wish," she said cryptically. 

She walked into the shadows of the darkened forest and disappeared. I walked back to my house and opened the door, the book still clutched tightly in my grasp. I declined dinner and walked right up to my room. I opened the book and was immediately intrigued. 

I read for many hours, desperate to finish the book. Even after Mom told me it was time for bed, I was still reading. I awoke to birds chirping and my head resting on two pages. My head rose and page 347 caught my eye. I was nearing the end of the book. I recalled everything I read and continued. 


Those words made me jump. I turned to my door and saw my mom standing in the doorway. 

"You need to eat, what do you want?" I could tell she was agitated.

"Pancakes," I said.

Mom left without another word. I took a break to eat three times. I continued to read and, at 7 pm, I was finally finished. I recalled all my thoughts and left the book on my bed. I walk down the stairs. 

"I'm going for a walk," I told Mom.

"Remember what I told you yesterday," she replied. I turned to her and nodded.

I opened the door and rushed out to the same spot I had met the woman before.

"Hello? Are you here?" I called. 

"I'm here," said a voice from behind me. I turned and there was the woman again, in the same clothing as yesterday. 

"You are quite eager to come out, are you not?" she chuckled. 

"I just want to know why you are here," I said. 

Her eyes hardened to stone. "If you were protecting many lives, would you want them to live in terror?" she asked softly.

"Of course not, but why are they living in terror?" I asked.

"Man is threatening and the Elders have forsaken us." the woman answered, I detected sadness in her voice. 

"Who are the "Elders"? Are they people?" I asked. 

"They are not humans nor spirits, they are our gods but no longer," she told me.

"So they protect you?" I questioned.

"Not only myself but my kingdom," she replied. 

"Why are you here and not in your kingdom?" I decided to ask. 

"The Elders have not spoken to us in years and with man growing stronger, it is my duty save my people," she said, "my fear is only that it is too late."

"It isn't too late," I told her, "I'll help you." I stepped closer to her. 

"No, this is not a duty for a small girl such as yourself, it is far too dangerous." the woman protested calmly.

"What if the bad people come here?" I asked, now growing slightly agitated, "What will happen-"

The woman rose a slow finger to her lips before closing her eyes. Green swirled around her, illuminating her gown. I leaped back as a green spiral shot into the night sky. The spiral came crashing down, green spreading throughout the forest. The force drove me to the ground. She opened her eyes and they glowed for a moment. I got to my feet. My heart was racing. The woman walked behind a tree as footsteps came from in front of me. 

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