Chapter 1

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A/N: Tae has dark red hair, Namjoon and Jin both have pink, Hoseok orange, Yoongi mint green, Jimin silver and Jungkook brown :] Hope ya enjoy

(Edit: i wrote this back when I didn't have a specific writing style and I mainly just wrote the kind of stuff I read. i.e. shitty 12 year old kind of fanfics. this story, to me at least, is very poorly written and I'm sorry for that. I assure you I've blossomed as a writer and if you're looking for some good, mature stories I suggest looking at some of my more recent stories like my drabbles book, thank you.) 

"I'm just saying, NCT 127 is really underrated." Hoseok exclaimed, stuffing half a pancake in his mouth. "What about Monsta X? They are too." Jin groaned before practically inhaling his hash browns. Namjoon rolled his eyes and handed Jin a napkin as maple syrup dripped down his chin. "You're a pig." He chuckled as Jin rolled his eyes before taking another bite.

All of the boys were sitting at Taehyung and Jungkook's dining room table eating breakfast, (they lived together, as best friends of course). Taehyung looked over to Jungkook, who was staring off deep in thought. He chuckled before waving his hand in front of the sleepy boys face. He quickly blinked and looked over at Taehyung, blushing. "What?" He questioned before taking a bite of toast. "What were you thinking of? You're being weird this morning." Taehyung laughed. In all honestly, Jungkook was thinking about the dream he had, but he would never admit that.

"I'm thinking about the cabin we're gonna stay in. What if we like... get attacked by Jason or something." The entire table bursted out laughing. Jimin laughed so hard he chocked on the water he was drinking, making the boys laugh even harder. "T-that's so... oh my god Kookie." Hoseok wiped at his eyes, still chuckling at how stupid his friend was. Taehyung's face fell as he turned to Hoseok. "Hey, that's my nickname for him." He pouted. "Oh shut up Tae. Anyways we should probably start driving now if we want to get there before night." The boys all nodded their heads before standing up and bringing their plates to the kitchen, everyone except Taehyung and Jungkook.

"You ready?" Taehyung smiled at the brown haired boy in front of him. "Not for the 5 hour car ride." Jungkook sighed. "I'll make it fun." Taehyung winked, before standing up. "Race you to the car!" He shouted, making Jungkook stand up quickly and chase after him.


"Are we there yet?" Yoongi groaned from the very back of the car. "Yoongi, it's been five minutes." Jin replied, annoyed. "Yeah a very boring five minutes." Small chuckles were heard before the car filled with silence. Jin was driving with Namjoon in the passenger seat, Taehyung and Jungkook sat next to each other in the middle of the car, and Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok were watching Pokémon in the back. Jungkook turned to Taehyung, seeing that he had his earbuds in, and was staring out the window.

Jungkook pouted, and scooted over. Taehyung either didn't notice, or didn't care, because he continued to look out the car window. Jungkook groaned before putting his feet up on the seat, away from Tae, so that he was now laying down. He moved over a bit so that his head was now resting on Taehyung's right leg. That's when Taehyung noticed Jungkook was trying to get his attention.

The red haired boy smiled and took out an earbud. "Whatcha doin?" He laughed. "I'm tired." Jungkook pouted, looking up at him with puppy eyes. Taehyung got his phone and started tapping it constantly, before putting it down and giving an earbud to Jungkook. "Now sleep." He whispered as he turned Jungkook's head to the side and started to play with his hair. Jungkook put the earbud in and felt butterflies in his stomach. It was his favorite song. He closed his eyes and was in pure bliss as his best friend, and crush, petted his hair. He really was in love with Taehyung.

A/N: Ayo new story woop woop ! I'll update at least once a week if not more :] Hope you guys enjoy the rest of the story (If you do please make sure to vote or comment, it means a lot!)

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