Chapter 1

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"Okay Hunter, chill you obviously won," one of the trainer said from behind me. I looked down at my opponent, I had a knife over his neck and he obviously had some doubts about whether or not I would use it. I rolled off him, stood up, and then helped the poor guy up. He quickly got back in line with the others.

"Stamina, speed, and control, three important things you need in a fight. Look at Hunter here, even though her opponent was taller she found his weak points and tired him out, she stayed in control and she won, that's it for now, go shower and aim practice in two hours."

I walked over to where my stuff was and put a black sweatshirt over my grey sports bra and adjusted my leggings. I took a drink of water and then Fred, the instructor, came up to me.

"How have your last couple of assignments been?" He asked as he busied himself with cleaning up some weapons and putting them away.

"Easy," I said rolling my eyes. "Some old couple who wronged some guy, clean shots to the head, nothing crazy," I explained boredom evident in my voice as I put my black hair in a ponytail. "Then there was a drug dealer, clean sniper shot."

"Wow you make it sound easy," he said shaking his head.

"It is," I muttered. "Sixteen years and I have never thought different."

I picked up my duffel bag and threw it over my shoulder.

"Oh yeah I heard you turned sixteen today, must be exciting," he said as we walk down the hallway together.

"Just another year closer to death," I said with a shrug.

"As always it's pleasure talking to you but we got a board meeting to get to," he said. I nodded and we walked towards the conference room.

I went and sat down on the side with the other field agents, while Fred went and sat down with the other instructors. I looked over at the two people standing at the head of the table.

David and Veronica. They were only thirteen when they found each other, Veronica was actually very pretty, blonde hair, blue eyes, but it was her killer instinct that was the deal-breaker, at once twelve she had killed her abusive parents and was on the run. She met David who was her match made in heaven, and upon hearing about his abusive parents, she quickly shot both in the heart, and then there were two on the run. They got new papers and I honestly wasn't sure what their real names actually were. All I knew was that they were vicious, cold, and completely, totally in love.

Once they sat down, we went around the room giving updates on our assignments. The first to go was Pedro, he was around thirty extremely tough, tattoos all over his arms, he was extremely attractive, if he wasn't completely bald. He claimed it helped him fight better but I had a feeling he was going bald anyway. He was also one of the more easy going people on our team. He lead the intellectual training which was a basic understanding of high school education and language, we were all trained to speak at least four languages as well as have an understanding of culture in most countries.

Next, Fred went and discussed his progress with combat training, I liked Fred he too was in his thirties, he never liked the killing aspect of our group but he loved our intense training program. He said that he liked being able to teach so roughly.

After him, our other instructor for psychological training discussed her work with the trainees and then our last teacher talked about his gadget and self defense work and then we moved onto field agents, there were only a few of us here right now because many of us were in the field.

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