Chapter 12

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Danny POV
"Are you sure you want to me to tell him." Danielle asked
"He has a right to know." I say
"I know but I really don't want another person mad at me right now."
"It doesn't matter you should have told him."
"Tell him what exactly? Hey we went out to a bar got supper drunk and then ended up going to your place and I'm 3 months pregnant. Do you see how that would have went over with him especially since he was in love with her."
Danielle's POV
"Hey who you talking about." I hear his voice say on the com.
" Don't worry about it right now. I'll tell you when we get out of here."
" Okay we are splitting up into three teams just in case he was lying we want to be able to get to all of you and make sure you get home safely to your family and loved ones." He says
"How's Callen doing."
"Good he is worried but he seems to be keeping his head in the game."
"Okay. Hurry the hell up and get to them and us. It sounds like there is someone else in the house."
"Have they said anything?"
"No, but by the sound of their feet it is a woman."
"Can you tell how tall they are or how much they weigh?"
"5 foot 3 inches and maybe 150 lbs."
"Okay we just got to JJ. Callen should be almost there."
"Are Lindsay and Lucy with them?"
"Lindsay and Lucy are both safe."
"Federal agents open up." I hear Callen yell from upstairs. I hear someone kick in the door and someone yell" drop the gun and get down on your knees. NOW." Someone mumbles something and then a gun goes off me and Danny look at each other and then back at the door hoping that no one on the team was hurt suddenly the goor bust open and Callen comes rushing in the room quickly breaking the lock on the chains that were holding me to the ceiling and then getting Danny down.
"Hey how are you feeling Danielle?" Callen asked placing his hands on my waist and looking into my eyes
"Tired, hungry, dehydrated. Danny you good?"
"Yea. I am so happy to get out of here and we are going to go see our family. All of them."
"Yea and then I'm going to ask JJ and mom why we were never told about him and the other person who our DNA matched with."
"Do you think they will be happy to see me." I ask leaning my head on Callen's shoulder
"They will be shocked and I want to know who else got matched with the DNA test."
"Who was the person up stairs." I ask G.
"Some lady with a gun who was about to make her way down here."
We walk up the stairs and out to the car when I saw the babysitter that JJ normally uses when she and will are both working.
"You bitch how could you do this to her she trusted you to watch her kids and who knows what else you did while you were there."
"I helped him escape when you were looking for him when Henry was one and helped him formulate a plan to get you here,and how to go from there. As soon as I got the kids to Garcia I was supposed to get here and kill you both."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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