The Ethereal Memory

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Years passed after that fateful day at the Moonflow. The original Guardians came back each year on the date of his death. One Guardian came and decided to stay a couple of days in Macalania before he traveled back to Besaid to be with the others. Tidus hopped off his Chocobo and tied its reigns to a nearby tree. Many years had passed since that day but it still felt as real as yesterday. The wound was healed but yet the scar remained. He stood looking across the Moonflow reminiscing of days gone by.

A gentle breeze whipped around him and a voice came as if from nowhere. It was a familiar voice but yet it was strange in its own way.

"What made you come back? To Spira I mean?" it asked.

Tidus turned around, not really believing his eyes. He rubbed them to see if he was dreaming but the ghostly figure still wasn't gone. He stepped back, stumbled and fell to the ground. The figure came closer.

"You act as if you've seen a ghost." It said with mocking laughter.

"Auron? Is it really you? I thought you couldn't come back after you were sent?" Tidus asked in disbelief

"You know I have always obeyed the rules but not this time. Well actually the Fayth let me have this one chance to come back and really see what's up." Auron shrugged.

"We really miss ya, ya know." He said pulling himself up from the dust and brushing himself off.

"Death is a natural part of life. We shall all face it one day, either by sword or natural cause. Death cares not by which means we go." Auron said looking at the pyreflies dance over the stillness of the Moonflow. "But I see you are doing well. Wakka and Lulu are married and have a child. You and Yuna need to have a child."

"Well, you know. With Yuna gone every now and then Sphere hunting it's kinda hard." Tidus said running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Whatever happened to the Al-Bhed girl? I believe Rikku was her name?" He asked.

Tidus shrugged. "As far as I know she's still in the Bikanel Desert with the last of her tribe. She helps us now and then with the fixing of our mechanical things."

"That's good. Well I must be off now. I have things to attend to in the Farplane." Auron said moving back from the Moonflows edge.

"But you just got here. Why leave now?" Tidus protested

"Because it is time." Auron said fading out and then disappearing.

Tidus folded his arms across his chest. It wasn't fair that death only took the best of them at the wrong time. He wished it didn't have to be this way but it made him realize how fragile life is and to never take it for granted. He untied the reigns of his Chocobo and gave him something to eat. He hopped on and raced back to Macalania to get his gear and head back to Besaid. When he got there he'd have an amazing story to tell. Not that they would believe him but it was worth a try. They'd never believe that Auron would transcend an age to talk to him. They'd need some proof. He gave a loud laugh as he raced through the Macalania woods and on to the Temple

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