The Game Starts

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   "What is that?" Wilbur asks his best friend Y/n of 3 years. She had just come over after a week in some other city spending time with her older brother. She was carrying a bag full of something she was eating. Something yellow and stringy.
   "First time meeting up in a week and the first thing you say to me is asking what I'm eating. Nice." She smiles teasingly and puts her hand on her hip.
   Wilbur acts offended and puts his hands up, it's clear he's fighting down a smile. "Well excuse me. Here, let me start over," He clears his throat and stands as straight as he can and imitates a butler stance. "Good day madam," he says in a over-the-top British accent, "How was your time in big city?"
   Y/n stands slightly on her tiptoes and begins to stand like a Victorian lady, "Why just swell, Mr. Robinson, how's your time been?" She says, also in a British accent.
   "Just swimmingly."
   Their smiles slowly grow before they finally bust up laughing.
   Wilbur wipes his eyes and they finally catch their breath.
   "Seriously though, what is that?" He says while they both walk to a comfortable place in the back yard.
   "Squid jerky," she says simply, eating a small wad of it.
   "Squid jerky? Oh god, keep that away from Lefty."
"Lefty's an octopus."
   "Yeah, it still feels wrong though."
"Yeah, I better not have him see it." She says laughing. She grabs a chunk and holds it out to him, "want some?"
   Wilbur looks at it for a moment before taking it and examining it closer. He raises an eyebrow at Y/n who sighs. "Just eat it."
   Wilbur sticks his tounge out at her and finally eats it. He chews thoughtfully for a moment. "Pretty good," he says finally. Y/n grins.

   The two teens sat on the back porch just chatting and laughing together about anything that came across their minds.
   At one point, Wilbur absent mindedly reaches into the depleting bag of their snack and grabs more than half of what's left in it.
   He's just shoves it in his mouth with a little bit hanging out while Y/n Just looks at him like 'why'.
   "Really dude?"
"What?" He asks, his words are muffled.
   "You just took almost all of it. What the hell?" She's not angry, mostly amused.
"Hmm?" He realizes, "Oh, I did," he looks at her for a moment before smirking, "What are you gonna do about it?"
   She narrows her eyes before lurching forward and ripping the shred hanging from his mouth with hers, Wilbur yelping as she did so.
   Y/n pulled away smirking as she chewed her stolen treat. Wilbur stared at her in shock. He swallows harshly, coming dangerously close to choking.
   "I never thought you'd do something like that," he pants. She laughs at him.
   "I know, that's why I did it." She giggles, kicking her legs childishly.
   The boy blinks, "You don't like it when someone points at you too closely, and you treat this like nothing?"
   Y/n calms herself and gets a little more serious, "Well, one you are my best friend and two, I can push myself to do those kind of things if I need to. Or just want to prove myself, I don't know."
   Wilbur calms down considerably and takes a deep breath. "You scared the shit out of me," he exhales and starts to laugh a little.
   "I'm gonna get you back."
"Get me back? You are the one who took all that, I'd say we're even."
   "Well you startled me, I'm gonna get ya for that one."
"Touché," she thinks for a moment, "Fine then, let the games begin."
   They smile and shake hands before going inside.

   Y/n didn't throw away the package before going inside where Lefty was nearby.

They didn't look him in the eye for a month.

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