The Start of Something New

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   Once Wilbur had some sort of half assed plan (made while running around the whole house again) he began to clear his mind to try and think where she might be.
   A memory of her first time spending the night floated to the surface. He smiled, it was midnight and they were raiding the cabinets of any snack they could find, when Wilbur suggested going outside. Y/n had complained about there being bugs but he just smiled and said 'not up high'.
   Wilbur remembered her being giddy when they got up there. She liked heights apparently. She was squealing and laughing and scaring the shit out of him for leaning over the railing as far as she did.
   Eventually they calmed down and slowly munched on their snacks. They were silent and enjoying the soft breeze and the moon light. At some point Y/n commented that this was a great place to think. With the wind and the shining view of the city on the horizon. Wilbur had to agree. They spent most of the night talking about the universe and aliens and what life was. Wilbur remembered waking up later and marveling at how deep their conversation had gotten. It had his mind spinning all over the place.

   Where else would she be?

   Wilbur zipped up the tube to the roof. He saw her, in the same place they were her first night, and quietly walked to and beside her. She tilted her head slightly to see him out of the corner of her eye and went back to staring at the city. She had no expression.
   Wilbur watched her, trying and failing to see what she felt about all this.
   "Are you okay?" Wilbur kept his voice neutral. She sighed.
   "Yeah, just... freaked out a bit." She admitted. A small pause before, "I'm sorry."
   "No," Wilbur was quick to respond, "Its okay."
   She looked at him fully. Wilbur smiled at her, hoping she got what he meant. Her eyes widen when he walks closer, right next to her.
   Wilbur gets close and looks at her lips and back up to her eyes. She stares and gives a small nod. He leans in and gently presses against her, capturing her between him. He wraps his arms around her and feels himself melting again.
   Y/n couldn't believe what was happening at first but once she felt it, she didn't ever want to leave. It was like it was before but sweeter and longer. Not only did he not mind, he wanted it too. She smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck, her hand resting on the back of his head.
   They were lost, so very lost in it and eachother. It was slow, gentle, and new to both of them.
   Eventually they had to seperate for air.
   They both smiled and pulled each other closer in a hug. They stayed like that for a moment.
   "Do you think your mom won't want me to spend nights in your room anymore?" Y/n asked.
   Wilbur pulled away just far enough to see her face, "What?"
   "We're gonna tell your parents right?"
"Well, I guess so. What about your dad?"
   "Do I have to?"
"You're right, that'd suck." He shook his head. Yeah, he'd probably kill him.
   They laughed, they were relieved. It felt like something missing had finally been found.
   Wilbur put his forehead to hers and breathed, looking into her eyes. Both had big stupid smiles. Wilbur felt the urge again and kissed her again, harder this time. He tentatively licked her lips, which she slowly accepted and let him explore a little. She couldn't bring herself to do the same so she just enjoyed what he was doing.

   They seperate again and pant heavily. A short peck later and smiling, they walk to the tube down hand in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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