The Pocky Game

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   Wilbur was seeing a lot of new kinds of snacks (which she was guarding closely as ever now) since she's been here. A lot of which he managed eat anyways cause of his sweet talk ("okay okay just stop whining like a puppy, its undignified, geez").
   Wilbur had been waiting for something to scare her with, which happened to be a lot but he didn't want to scare her off just tease her, but so far nothing really good had come up.
   Y/n waited for him to do something and was truthfully getting more and more scared each eventless second.

   Y/n had just opened up a small red box of labeled Pocky and turned to the fridge, Wilbur spotted a chocolate covered stick thing just clutched in her teeth.
   Before Y/n could process it, Wilbur had latched on to the other end with a bit grin. She pondered for a second before fully facing him, she was determined to win this game.
   The two teens slowly munched on each end, drawing ever closer. Y/n was not liking the close contact but she had to keep going and even Wilbur was getting uncomfortable by how close he was.
   There was an inch between them. The nervousness in Y/n could go two ways- fight or flight. She has too much to pride to run so in a burst of adrenaline she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face to his, munching the very last bit and getting away from him as quickly as she could.
   It happened way too fast for Wilbur to even make a sound. He stood paralyzed with shock and watched his best friend (who didn't even like drinking after people) wipe her mouth on her sleeve.
   The boy couldn't think of anything besides the equivalent of a computer error screen. He blinked at the girl who smirked at his dumbfounded expression.
   "I win," she said sounding tired. She turned to the fridge again and got some milk. She kept wiping her mouth as much as possible.
   "Someone," Wilbur started, struggling to talk, "who can't even stand standing close to people, who won't drink after anyone, can do that apprently?!" He slowly gained control over himself and was freaking out a little bit.
   She took a sip of her drink and took a moment to swish it around.
   "Like I said, I can push myself if I need to."
"For this stupid game?"
   "And I WON didn't I?!" She yelled, still loopy from adrenaline.
   Wilbur sighed and shook his head. Yeah, she did win and that was all that mattered to her.
   "And you pushed yourself enough to kiss me, never thought you'd do that."
   Y/n set her cup down, "Never thought I'd have the will to do that either and I did not kiss you."
"Yes you did!"
   "No I didnt, we touched but we didn't actually do anything."
"Your mouth was against mine, you don't call that a kiss?"
   "Not really, I'm pretty sure theres more to it."
"How do you know? You've never kissed anyone!"
   "Neither have you! Besides, I've read descriptions and I'm fairly certain what I did was not a kiss."
"I think it was."
   They were both a bright red by the end of all this and eventually Y/n couldn't take it anymore. Y/n kept on screaming 'no I didn't!' While she was walking away and Wilbur yelled 'yes you did!' After her.
   Y/n tried and truly believed that was not a kiss and Wilbur believed it was.

   Y/n was more stubborn than he was though.

Pocky Game with WilburWhere stories live. Discover now