The Question

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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

Karla sigh which felt like 100 times. She was at home alone bored and lost in her own thoughts. Its been a few weeks since she last talked to her boyfriend. They had an argument, Karla felt like Kaiba was pushing her away.

Everytime when she goes to his office its has been lock recently and Kaiba never lock the door unless its very important. She would try calling but would never answer, she was begining to think she did something wrong but she didn't remember what. She tried to confront him about it.

Karla slammed the door open to Kaiba's home determine to get her answer. Kaiba was on the couch drinking his tea when he heard his door slam and was surprise to see Karla.

She walked up to Kaiba with her hands on her hips glaring at him.

"Why haven't you been answering me? Are you avoiding or are you tired of me?"

Kaiba glared at Karla

"What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about"

Karla then let out a sigh putting her hands down to her side.

"Its been a few weeks and we haven't talked or went on a date"

Kaiba stood up, putting his cup down on the coffee table and the stood in front of Karla with his hands on her shoulder.

"That's not true we talked all the time and we just went out not too long ago"

"It's been a couple of weeks, I'm begining to feel your not attracted to me? Are you seeing someone else behind my back?"

"Now why would i do something like that?"

"Then give me a good reason why you been ignoring me"

Kaiba scoff and walked away, Karla glared at his back towards her.

"Then you are seeing someone, am I just a cover up or are you just dealing with me because my company is merge with yours?"

Kaiba stopped walking and turned his head to the side.

"Shut up and get out"

Karla was shock

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, just shut up and get out before you say something you'll regret"

Karla was on the verge of tears never before the words he say got to her but this time it hurt her really bad.

"You know something, fuck you"

Karla said walking out the mansion. Kaiba remain frozen, it was rare when Karla cursed, that was only she was really angry and hurt.

*End of Flashback*

Karla let out a sigh it was already late, so she decided to call it a night. She turned of the light and was about to walk out the living room but a knock was heard on the front door.

'Hmmm I wonder who could that be'

Karla opened the door to reveal Kaiba on one knee with a dozen of blue roses stretched out towards her. Karla was surprise.

"What are you doing here?"

Kaiba stood up and looked at Karla

"Are you going to let me in?"

Karla moved aside to let Kaiba into her home.

"Again what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to explain my action"

Karla nodded and went to sit on the couch, Kaiba followed and sat down.

"The reason I have been avoiding you is because I wanted to surprise you, but i guess I wasted too much time when you started to get suspicious, so I decided to do it right here and right now"

Karla was confused, Kaiba then grabbed a hold of Karla's hand pulling her off the couch to stand as he got down on one knee holding out a box with a diamond ring inside. Karla gasp in surprise.

"Will you marry me?"

Karla didn't know what to say she was still angry about what he said to her.


Kaiba was surprise, usually girls would just jump at the chance of this opportunity, but he remained in place. Karla was glaring at him with her arms cross over her chest.

"I want an apology"

Kaiba smirk

"I'm sorry"

"Like you mean it"

Kaiba rolled his eyes

"I'm very sorry for the way I spoke to you"

Karla smiled happily

"Apology accepted and the answer to your question is yes"

Kaiba smiled and slipped the ring on Karla's finger. He stood up bring her into a kiss, Karla happily accepted since it has been a while. Karla wrapped her arms around Kaiba's neck and Kaiba wrapped his arms around Karla's waist, Karla pulled away looking at Kaiba with a smile.

"I was begining to think you weren't attracted to me"

"I'm very attractive to you"

"Then why haven't we done anything?"

Kaiba let out a sigh

"Some things are worth waiting for"

"You are so sweet"

Kaiba smirk as Karla gave him a seductive wink.

"And since you been sweet, tell me if you still miss me?"

Karla then removed her blouse to reveal two perfect round breast. Kaiba looked down and began to massage her breast and brought Karla into a hug.

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