Part 4

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Harry's POV
Oh lord. Jen just walked in, this is going to be so awkward.
"Hi," she said, playing it off like nothing really happened yesterday.
"Hey," I leaned in for a hug.
"So where's Keith?" Jen asks.
"I don't know," I responded.
After five minutes of a really awkward silence, Keith walks in with a smirk on his face.
"Keith, stop it!" I say.
"What?" Keith responds.
"Nothing happened," I say.
"Oh," Keith says.
I glance over at Jennifer and I see a tear escape from her eye.
"Jennifer are you okay?" I ask.
"Oh yeah," she says, "just really nervous for the acts."
Jennifer's POV
    Today's show was great but it was kind of awkward between me and Harry. I really hope this could be resolved soon. I go to sleep staring at the ceiling just thinking about what could've happened if he stayed. Would we have actually connected? But I don't want to think about that right now because I have to sleep.

Harry's POV
    I still hate how I passed up my chance with Jennifer. I just filed the divorce papers and it's going to take a while to finalize. I hope tomorrow we can talk.

The next morning...

   I get a call at 9am and it's my parents.
  "Harry, you're grandmother fell very sick and her health won't get any better, we suggest that you come back to New Orleans to say your final goodbyes," they said, "she has about two days left to live."
    My heart broke. I was incredibly close with my grandma, she'd give me tips on how to get girls and got me through my depression. I had to travel back home. But I had Idol to shoot so I called Ryan and I told him what happened.
     "Sorry bro," he said, "you can take the weekend off."
     "Thanks, man," I said.
     They had Adam Lambert take my place that day and I booked a flight for tomorrow so I could see my grandma as soon as possible.
     The next day Ryan, Keith and Jennifer dropped me off at the airport. I saw a tear shed from Jen's eye and I gave her a huge hug.
     "I'm sorry," I said, "I'm sorry for everything I was stupid and just left you there. Jen you're my best friend--"
    "Hey!" Keith said.
    "I'm sorry Keith," I said, "but thank you."
     "Thank him for what?" Jen asked.
     "Thank you Keith for leaving us at the restaurant," I said.
     "But why?" Jen asked, "both of you left me alone."
     "I'm sorry." I responded, "I mean you're so gorgeous and I didn't know what to say." Jen blushed.
    "So once again," I said, "Thank you Keith."
    "For what?" Jen asked.
     "For this," I said. I leaned in to give her a passionate kiss and after a while, we slowly pushed back away from each other. She blushed and smiled.
       "I love you," I said. Then I walked away.
Jennifer's POV
     What just happened? One moment he leaves me alone at a restaurant, and now he says he loves me? I'm really having mixed feelings right now but he has to go see his grandma.

3 days later

     Harry is back after three days and e hasn't answered any of my texts or my calls because I really needed to talk to him. To be fair, he is grieving the loss of his grandma.
I got to the studio to find only Harry there once again. Is this apart of Keith's plan?
"Hey," I said.
    "So do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.
    "Talk about what?" Harry asked.
    "You know," I said, "that kiss."
    "Look if you feel weird about that --," he said, and then I cut him off.
"I don't, I get it was a spur of the moment thing, but I kind of enjoyed it," I said with a smile.
Harry smiled back at me and we were just gazing into each other's eyes for a while.
Harry's POV
Oh my god thank the lord she liked me back, I got scared for a second. She's so beautiful and sexy and I know that might sound wrong but it's so true.
Jennifer's POV
    Keith and Ryan walk in with a shocked but smirked face.
    "Sorry am I interrupting something?" Keith said.
    "Oh," I said as we quickly moved away from each other's faces, "no, there's nothing going on."
    "Okay," he said with a grin as he looked at Ryan, "so what have you guys been up to?"
    "Oh nothing we've just been talking," Harry said.
    "Yup," Keith responded, "so gazing into each other's eyes is considered talking these days? Are Ryan and I missing something?"
     "What do you mean?" I asked.
     "What do you mean 'what do you mean,'" Ryan replied, "Harry, Jen, there are cameras everywhere. You think that we don't notice that you're so in love?"
     "Love isn't the word," I said.
     "Really?" Keith asked, "So what happened after we dropped off Harry at the airport," as he crossed his arms and chuckled.
"Oh my gosh, can we please just not talk about this," Harry laughed.
"Why not?" Ryan asked.
"Because it's weird. We don't even know what we are yet," I responded.
"So you are together!" Ryan exclaimed in excitement.
"Well," I gazed into Harry's eyes and blushed, "yeah I guess we are."

To be continued....❤️comment and vote

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