Part 7

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Jennifer's POV
"5 minutes to showtime!" The producer exclaimed.

Shouldn't Ryan and Keith be back by now. Where are they?

"Aren't are those two supposed to be back by now?" I asked Harry.

"Yeah so where are they?" Harry asked.

"Guys," the producer says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Ryan and Keith aren't in the control room," he says.

"Why would they even be in the control room?" Harry asks.

"Spying on us probably," I said, "So where are they?"

15 minutes later..

We had to postpone auditions until tomorrow because Keith and Ryan were absolutely nowhere to be found.

"I'm getting scared," I said as I curled up in Harry's arms.

"It's going to be ok," Harry said as he rubbed my back, "They should show up in no time."

1 hour later...

"Something must be wrong," I said.

"Uh guys," the producer said.

I look up in concern, "What is it?"

"We found blood tracks in the control room," the producer said, "Whoever did that definitely didn't kill them but they could've somehow been kidnapped."

"What?!" I asked.

"No, that's terrible," Harry said.

I curled up in his arms and started crying.

"Its gonna be okay," he said as he rubbed my back.

"We have to call NYPD," the producer said.

"But unless they are missing for 24 hours, NYPD won't do shit," Harry said.

"We're getting security on it to check the cameras," the producer said.

"How ironic," I said under my breath.

20 minutes later...

"Guys we found footage," said the producer.

I jumped out of my seat and out of Harry's lap.

"Of Keith and Ryan?" I asked.

"Yeah," the producer said.

"So what did you guys find?" Harry asked.

"Two people," the producer said, "a man and a woman."

"Anything else?" I asked.

"We have their faces but none of us know who they are," the producer said.

"Can we see?" Harry asked.

I look at the picture and recognize Alex immediately, then I look at Harry.

"Is that Alex?" Harry whispered.

"Yeah, but who is that?" I asked.

He took a long look at the picture and then sighed in disappointment.

"I-It's Jill," he said.

"What?" I responded, "are you sure?"

"Positive," he said.

"But why would they do this?" I asked.

"I don't know," Harry said.

Lmao I'm sorry this chapter is so short next one will be longer :))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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