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I need your help for I am confused

my many problems have become more of a burden than they'd originally do

im tired of being tired of the feelings of being lonely and misused

because I am not a tissue you can throw away after you use

I am a strong independent young woman

Im confused as to why other young males and females can't see themselves as I see myself

you don't need a person telling you what you see because they can't appreciate the high and low qualities that come with you

and they just can't handle the realness that is stamped on the package so they return it before they can view and witness the greatness of you

be proud of who you are and what you've become because not many can say they've done what you have done or what you've been through

so be proud like I am proud of you

so I hope this message gets through because I only want to try and help you even though it may sound ridiculous to a few of you so goodbye and hopefully I'll update again soon

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