Chapter 3

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~Amelia's POV~

"I have just a few questions..." I mumbled.

"Go ahead" he smiled at me, sunshine radiating from his whole face.

"One, what is the point of healer? Like, what do yo- we do?"

"Well it's sort of a play on words," he explained. "Like I said, we were originally all in pairs working together in a way sort of healing the world, protecting humanity from war and stuff but in the 17th century the curse broke us all up cause we were 'too powerful' and humanity was starting to notice. There's still a lot of bad in the world so we have to work in our pairs with all our different skills to fight against it and save the world, Batman and Robin style."

"Me being batman, yeah?" I chuckled at him. He poked his tongue out at me so naturally I did the same back. There's something about him that just makes me happy.

"Obviously I'm the Batman here," he smiled. "But also we're healers because even though we're not immortal, we heal a lot quicker than normal people. I know you've seen my cuts before so there's no lying about that, but while for a normal human it would take about a week for them to fade, it only takes about 2 days for me, even if I cut really deep."

I pondered the thought of it for a few seconds before I realised - I can still cut even now. "That explains a lot," I said. "But why do you do it, cause I'm assuming you still do seeing as you had fading marks the other day in school?"

"The same reason as you I guess - it's a way to control how I'm feeling and stop any pain I'm feeling."

I felt myself welling up - no, Lukey can't hurt, this isn't fair I don't want him to hurt himself. I guess he picked up on this and lifter my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eye.

"Hey now, don't worry about me, it's not that bad. It just helped me control my emotions and stuff - still does, but not as much since I've known you're safe now. As a pair we have the ability to hear what the other is thinking on a telepathic level - you'll learn how to do that too, but because I could hear what you thought and feel what you felt, and it made me feel like shit because I didn't know how to stop thinking like that about yourself, because believe it or not, it's quite hard to get to talk to you about any of this when your walls are higher than the fucking sky. It hurt me because I could see you were hurting and I didn't know how to stop it, and because I could hear what you were thinking I could hear how suicidal you were and I was constantly on edge because I knew I had to find some way of stopping you from dying because I know I would have been able to save you. I had to concentrate so hard on what you were thinking to work out when and where you were planning on doing it so I could stop you just in time. As much as you had everything planned out, so did I. But then it started to consume me, you were my every thought and I listened in so much that the voices in your head were getting so loud that they developed for me too. So I cut. The first time I did it it was like I was drunk, I couldn't make sense of anything but if was good because it meant I couldn't hear the voices: as the blood flowed from my arms my thoughts became less and less coherent to the point that in the morning I woke up with my arms coated in the sticky red fluid with the biggest headache, almost like I was hung over. See, nobody told me but we don't have as much blood as a human, so if we cut deep and lose a lot of blood it has that kind of effect on us for a while until we've redeveloped the blood again."

All I could say was "wow", before I let my mind wander off into its own little universe. I can still cut, there's nothing to stop me from doing it now because if Luke does, he can't tell me not to can he? And I'm longing for that feeling of numb to settle myself down into this new weird way of life, because quite frankly, I don't like it. Not that I don't like him, but he said about skills... I have no skills, I'm just gonna ruin it for him cause I'm too useless to be able to help him with this - how am I supposed to save the world when I couldn't even save myself?

"Earth to Robin. I can hear you you know?"

"Yeah so could you stop please?" I rolled my eyes and looked at him with my best attempt at puppy dog eyes, not that it'll work.

"Listen, I'm not gonna stop listening in on your thoughts until I know you're emotionally stable, and you'll learn to do it at some point when my family come over here in a few days once you've settled down and stuff, so please just calm down because we're gonna get through this together, Batman and Robin; side by side, for the rest of our lives" he grinned.

"How long is the rest of our lives?" I questioned.

"We sorta have a choice with that. Either we freeze ourselves at a particular age and go on forever like that, or we live the normal life span of a human, die, and do this loop all over again with both of us not knowing where the other is. But that time, you'd know about healers, which would make it worse for you especially, because when you know that you have a 'partner in crime' destined to be with you, no matter who you meet it won't feel right because they're not the one you're supposed to spend the rest of eternity with."

"So we can die?"

"I know what you mean, and yes we can, but if you die right now I will have to too and then we'll just go right back to the start where it'll be hard to find each other. And if that happened, yeah we'd still be the same people deep down, but we're always going to be different, and I couldn't imagine a more perfect version of you Amelia" 


Thank you for reading! :)

Hope you like this, and don't forget if you need somebody to talk to I'm always here so feel free to message me :)

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