Chapter 2

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~Amelia's POV~

I opened my eyes to a blinding white light. Why am I lying down, do you just float until you get to heaven, if that's even where I'm going, cause I'm pretty sure I don't deserve that. Of course you don't. You're a worthless piece of shit that nobody cares about, maybe you've finally done them a favour and succeeded in something actually useful for them. Now you're not there to get in the way of them and their lives, for once they can be happy and rid of you, it's not like they cared about you anyway. The voices were louder than ever, but as always, they were very true. I never did anything useful, just sat around being pathetic and useless to everybody. They had much better things to do and it's not like any of them even cared anyway. Well maybe one but even then they will have had a better person in their lives than me. I won't be missed.

I heard a scoff from the corner and froze, not breathing, not blinking, nothing. What is the name of sanity was that? I heard footsteps walk towards me and my paranoia builds up as I think of all the possibilities: What if I'm in hospital, and I failed? Everybody will know now, and there'll be people pretending to care and other people just laughing at me. How will I ever cope again, knowing all anybody will see is 'the fat, ugly, pathetic, useless one that couldn't even get killing herself right'. I can't live with that, not ever, that's why I wanted to die in the first place - the constant pain and worry of what people thought of me taking over, the voices inside my head shouting louder if I ever saw somebody, knowing that all they ever thought or said about me was how I deserved to kill myself, that I was worthless, pathetic, ugly, fat, and every other insult. If I couldn't even get death right what are they gonna say now? I mean it wouldn't have made any difference if I'd died, only a maximum of one person might care, but not for long... they have better people in their lives and the rest of my 'friends' only pretended to care but in reality if they so much as saw a scratch on my forearm I know they'd disown me in a heartbeat.

"You know that people would care right?" a low voice muttered, reaching the side of the bed before sitting down and taking my hand in theirs. I scoffed and looked over at them, rolling onto my side slowly, curiosity getting the better of me and as I made eye contact with him I instantly regretted it.

"What the fuck Luke? What happened and why am I not dead right now?!" I yelled, anger building up inside me. I couldn't fail again, not now, not after everybody would now know what had happened! The insults, the talking behind my back, my constant paranoia would just get worse and worse. My parents would be so disappointed, and everybody else would be disappointed that I hadn't succeeded.

"Please Amelia, calm down, just breathe, I can't tell you anything until you give me a chance do rather than going off into your own world and ignoring what I'm attempting to say" he said, cupping his hands around my face. How the fuck does he even now?! "Because I know what I was like when this happened to me, and if you let me tell you..."

"Sorry" I muttered quietly, looking down, wriggling slightly to try and get out of his grip as I felt awkward and uncomfortable at our closeness. He coughed lightly and if I wasn't so confused I might have laughed a little at how awkward and adorable he is.

"Now please, just listen, it's gonna sound really weird to you, I know that, but just hear me out, okay?" I look down, playing with a few loose pieces of thread hanging of the hoodie that I didn't really recognize but just ignored as I lifted my eyes back up again to his piercing blue ones, what the hell is even going on right now? What does he mean weird? I slowly nodded at him, indicating to him that he should carry on with his story.

"I don't really know how to say this, but basically neither of us are particularly human anym-"

"Luke stop fucking with me I swear to-"

"What did I just say?" he said, his facial expression turning stern, but soon turning soft again once he must have seen the panic in my eyes. "Seriously, I'm part of a sort of vampire-ish race called healers. Originally, our breed would work in pairs but something happened centuries ago a curse was put onto our race dooming every future pair to have to find each other while one was stuck being human. A lot of the time the pair are on opposite sides of the world and so very often don't find their pair. But you're originally from Britain yeah? Moved over to good old Australia for a better and more interesting education because of your paranoia at home, you could start fresh somewhere where nobody knew you? But why Australia? You've always loves the idea of living in New York and hated spiders so why choose the land of the biggest?"

I cocked an eyebrow up at him, "Why not? It's a pretty country."

"True, but the real attraction is the bond between us. That's the way it's supposed to be from now on, you and me, the pair back together, against the world." He smiled at me, it was so infectious that a had to smile back at him, for the first time in a long time, and in all honesty, it didn't feel too bad.


Sorry this sucks :/

I'll try to update soon though please tell me what you think :)

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