Chapter 7

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Mysterious person POV:

Damn she saw me... I better not show myself for a while. I'm going to be in trouble, if he finds out...


Your POV:

After that encounter, you didn't get much sleep. Every time you close your eyes, you saw them creepy, yellow eyes, peering at you. It was dawn when you couldn't stand it anymore and got up. A shower was what you needed. You turned the water on, stripped and waited for the temperature to be right, before you stepped in. You let the sound of the water drown your thoughts out before you started to wash. 10 minutes and you were out of the shower, dressed in your school uniform. Afraid to walk to school alone, you called Yuri to come to your house so you could walk together.

RINNNNGGG.... RINNNNGGG......" yeoboseyo ____, what's up?" Yuri answered. "err, would you come to mine before school, so we could walk together?"  you asked embarrassedly. "oh. Sorry I can't. I'm meeting  D.O at the school gates, he said he wanted to tell me something. Sorry ___" "Wait... Who's D.O?" You asked suspiciously. "It's Kyungsoo, stupid" Yuri shouted at you. Disappointment was in your voice as you replied to her, "Oh sorry! Anyway, it's ok, I'll just walk, I'm just a bit scared because I saw these eyes at the bottom of my garden last night.""Yah, don't be worried, I'm sure it's nothing or just your imagination. Well I got to go, I'll be late meeting D.O if I don't set off now. Bye!" Yuri said before she hung up. You sighed and began to fell frightened.  *I hope it was just my imagination.*

You looked at the clock and saw it was time to set off...

Cautiously, you walked to the end of the street, looking around every few steps. It wasn't until a few streets later, you realise you must have looked strange, looking around every so often , so you stopped and walked like normal people. However, once you started to walk, you felt them eyes on you again. You decided to go through the woods to try escape the eyes, as it was quicker to get to school too. Beads of sweat ran down you, as you trod carefully through the thick, dark woods.


Mysterious person POV:

I knew she could sense my presences, but that poor girl couldn't see me. Oh boo hoo. Ahaha, she's scared as hell, I can smell her fear and that she peed her panties a little. Such a baby. But she's mine, I'm going to make her mine and do things she won't be expecting, it's going to be sooo much fun! She did the exact thing I wanted her to do- walk into the woods. Ahhhh, my natural habitat, perfect. Quiet and spacious, let's play around with her a little.


A/N: ooo~ who is this person?

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