Chapter 10

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You turn back to Luhan and smiled, *How sweet of him*. Luhan stirred and woke; he shot up straight and looked at you. Your eyes met and you felt your heart stop.


Luhan POV:

I must have fallen asleep for a long time, but when I woke up, I saw ____. She was awake! I was so happy that I cried.


Your POV:

You smiled as you saw tears flow down Luhan's cheeks. You stretched out your arm asking for a hug.  He gladly accepted your offer and hugged you tight, but still aware of your arm . You whispered in his ear, " Sorry for making you worry. But I'm fine now, honest! Happy Birthday Luhan oppa~!" Luhan blushed when you said oppa. "I've missed you, you made me worry so much that I couldn't stop thinking about you, but do you remember what happened?" he asked. You shook you head. You had amnesia.

"well if you don't remember then that's ok, but I'll tell you anyway. My secret will come out one way or another. Right... before I say anything, you have to promise me you won't laugh or tell anyone ok?" Luhan sighed and said. You sat there and nodded. *what is this secret?* In a more quieter voice Luhan began explaining.

"I'm not actually a human- I'm a wolf. But don't be afraid, I'm good. In fact all of the Exo members are wolves, but we swore that we would never get close or tell anyone, unless we imprinted on someone. Imprinting means you would sacrifice you life for the person you imprinted on. You can't chose who you imprint on, you just know. Luckily, I imprinted on you. Anyway, what happed was you were attacked by a wolf, but not any kind of wolf. It was one of us. It was... Kai. Or as you may know him as Jongin. He was jealous of me, he liked you. But he knew that you liked me and I liked to back! " Luhan looked sad and disappointed as he said Kai, but he blushed when he confessed . "He will be punished severely and could be end up being kicked out of the group. But we don't decide that, our leader does."

A silent moment passed as neither you or Luhan spoke. You close your eyes and thought:

*why Kai? Kai was never that horrible, he was always nice and kind, he wouldn't hurt a fly. Also, wolves? was it really true? Luhan wouldn't lie to me, but to think that they are all wolves, scares me. At least I was saved and not killed*

Your thoughts were interrupted by the hands wrapped around your waist. It was Luhan.  The two of you locked eyes. He leans towards you and presses his lips against yours. He was very gentle. Your heart was beating fast against you rib cage. You didn't want it to  stop, but he pulled away after a while and you gasped for oxygen, your lungs desperately needed. He grinned and rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks were growing red. You blushed and hugged him.

"Happy Birthday Luhan." You whispered before pecking him on the cheek with a light kiss.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --FIN--

A/N: I think I'll end the story here! Thanks for everyone who read all the chapters I appreciate it! ^^

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