Chapter 4

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After I finished my hygiene I put on my clothes , then added my MK purse. Today I'm going to Foot Locker to get my job back. I went down the hall to Kennedy room . I knew her ass was awake if anybody else wasn't. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it " She said opening the door.

"Me nigga "

"Why you up so early? " She said sitting up.

"Because I'm going to get my Job back ".

"Wait , what why ?"

"I'm getting my own house "

"Why you can't live with King " She said looking confused.

"Cause King has a girlfriend that sounds like to me he's in love with and I'm sure she wouldn't like it if he had another girl living with him, especially if that girl has feelings for him "

"What are you talking about King doesn't have a girlfriend " She said

"Yes he does I heard them on the phone last night " I said getting up to leave.

"Ohh hell "

I went downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. While I was sitting at the table eating King came in still wearing yesterday's clothes , nasty ass.

"Goodmorning " He said going to the fridge.

I just ignored him going to the kitchen to wash my bowl. I then picked up my purse, but King stood in the way of the door.

"Can't speak " He said turning me around

"Can't keep it real ?"

"Huh ?"

"Nothing bye I got an interview to get to "

With that being said I walked out the door . After my job interview I went to Baskin Robins cause I had taste for some Ice Cream.

"Hi , how would you like your order "

"I would like a medium size Praleane and cream " I said getting my walet out my purse

"That will be 2.50" She said holding her hand out .

I pulled out a 100 dollar bill and gave it to her. "Thanks here is your change " I got my change and Ice Cream then headed out the door .

"Aye! Aye! wait" I turned around to see this guy running after me. He was light skinned had a short hair cut perfect white teeth his swag was on point too.

"Hi, wassup "I said smiling

"Hi, My name August whats your name? " He said looking me up and down

"Promise " I said trying get on with the convo because I have other places to be then here .

"Awwee ,cute name But I was trying to tell you that your card fell out your wallet " He said handing me the card.

"Thanks" I said taking the card and walking off.

"Wait , can I get your number ? " He said

"Um ,I'm not trying to go there with anybody I'm taking a break from seeing people" I said getting ready to walk away until he grabbed my waist .

"Well can I get yo numba' so we can beh friens' " He said smiling.

"Sure" I said once I got finished I was on my way house shopping . I have been to 3 different neighborhoods but didn't see any I liked so went to a neighborhood that was more advanced. I know y'all are thinking how I am going to afford this when I just went job hunting today but I had money saved up from when I was working before and just because I'm moving out of King house doesn't mean I am quitting the gang I'm just not going to mix business with pleasure . But anyways I was driving the down the road when I came up to this house that was just right for me. I parked in the drive way and called the owner of the house. After the lady got here she unlocked the door to let me look on the inside . I instantly liked the house it fitted me so well and it wasn't even furnished .

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