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I tried my best to avoid Nathaniel, but he was there everywhere I went. Lunch, breakfast 30 minutes of I don't know how to feel about it anymore. On one hand, I think I may love him, but on the other, I'd just told him that I didn't, was it true? Necking day came sooner than I thought. It was a tradition that some humans that wanted to be turned wild be brought to have their wish come true. But the rule was that every bitten one, as we called them, had to stay by the vampire that bit them's side. I'd never really turned a human before. My father kept me from the tradition because that I wouldn't be able to control myself. But that wasn't what I feared most today. What I feared was that I'd have to watch as Nathaniel chose another, to leave all of this, behind. It had been a month since I told him that I didn't love him.
"What happened?" Jordan and Maya came up behind me.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
They rolled their eyes, at my weak reply. "Your normally this fierce, smart-ass vampire. Now, your a deflated balloon." Maya had a good point, but what would she know? She wasn't there. She couldn't have even known how it felt.
"Besides," Jordan added, "where's your snarky commentary?"
"And why do you look even more deflated when someone mentions the prince?" Jordan gasped, " Did he do something to you?" I chuckled half heartedly and shook my head as Jordan started to curse under her breath.
"Hell no."
"Then why?" They asked in unison."we deserve answers." They were right, they did. I explained everything from the beginning, how much it would hurt my father if I ever married him. Afterward, Jordan Burt into laughter.
"It's not funny." I insisted.
Jordan nodded matter of factly. "Yes it is!"
I furrowed my brow, "how?"
Jordan went all dramatic and took a deep breath."you spend too much time thinking about others." She began, "everything you do, its for another. It's time you do something for you for a change. And your father should be happy with anyone that made you happy."
Maya nodded in agreement, I guess it made sense, but if my father was killed, how would I fare? Oh, that was exactly what Jordan pointed out. I guess I'd never thought of it that way. My father was loving and kind, or so I wanted to believe, well we'll find out won't we? A large announcement rumbled through the whole palace.
"Let the necking day ceremony begin!" I gulped, what if I killed the human instead? No, I couldn't be weak, I had to be strong. Enough of doing this for myself, I was fine before and I always will be. Nathaniel could choose any other douchebag for all I cared. Even Serena.
I made my way to the great hall where humans lined up to be bitten. They looked a little scrawny compared to us. But then again, we were the undead, the immortals, so that does build up a lot of muscle over the years. I was handed a ash blonde haired girl with blue eyes. She had the eyes of a warrior, I chuckled, but she could never take me on. The bitten were pledged to service, or as I like to think of it, assistance. And the bitten were a lot weaker and slower than the born vampires like us. But nonetheless, they were way stronger and faster than a human. Was that the reason they were doing this? They were more vulnerable as bitten, they were in a vampire world, weaker and slower than most. Did they know? It was a shame, the only good thing was that they would be immortal. If not killed in human ways of course. She introduced herself as Freya Richmond, as soon as the ceremony started, I hesitated before sinking my teeth into her neck.
I was overwhelmed by the taste of her fresh, pumping blood, she flinched in pain but my predatory instincts from every part of me cried out. But all I was supposed to do was bite her and draw a little blood out. I didn't want to stop. I wanted to suck out every drop out of her savoring, reveling in the sweetness and addiction of human blood. Normally the blood we got was drawn from blood banks or given for reasons but not like this. This was like a drug, pulling me in until there's none left. A little like love. I pulled myself out of my trance and stared at everyone else in the room. They were going on like nothing happened.
"Are you alright?" A calming voice said behind me. I turned over to see the last person I wanted to see.

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