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I don't remember falling asleep. I don't even remember falling asleep but I do remember waking up to the sound of JD chuckling and the radio playing. I opened my eyes and looked at the satisfied looking JD. "What time is it? " I grumbled as I rubbed my eyes. "Around 6:30, you've been out for about five hours or so." He said blankly, eyes still focused on the road. I looked out the window, it was dark outside and there were heaps of cars around. I guess we were on the highway or just getting off of it. I couldn't help but worry about getting caught, I mean sure JD had got a fake licence plate but surly cops outside of Sherwood Ohio were smart.

"So, do you want me to drive soon?" I asked as I watched everything zoom by. Sure JD was doing the speed limit, I hoped, but everything was just going by way to fast. "No. I wanna get off this damn highway though so I can pull over and close my eyes for a minute or two." He said, shooting me a quick glance. I was about to respond when JD flicked to a news station. The news reader started to go on and on about the Westerberg suicide pact. "They're talking about us baby." He chuckled as he turned the radio up.

I couldn't believe we had done it. We had actually fucking done it and I didn't know if I should have been proud of myself or hated myself for it. "They sure are. And they'll be talking about us possibly for the rest of our lives." I added. He then took his hand off the steering wheel and grabbed mine giving it a gentle squeeze. "I love you Veronica Sawyer." He whispered to me. My heart exploded whenever he said that. Mainly cause I knew it was true and he wasn't just trying to get into my pants. And as much as I shouldn't have, I loved him back. We were both fucked up but still perfect for each other. "I love you too Jason Dean." I whispered back to him.

Once again I passed out. I don't remember when or why, I wasn't even tired. But next thing I knew we were pulled over and JD was looking out the window at the now lighter sky, hell it actually looked like mid day. "Is everything okay babe?" I groaned as I rubbed my eyes. Babe. I was never one for calling him pet names but babe just suited him. "Perfect." He whispered back to me. "Absolutely perfect." It was rare to see Jason so. So happy. Well at least I think this is him being happy. I hope this was him being happy. Despite him being a complete psycho, he deserved to be happy. "Um where are we? How long was I out? " I asked him, I needed to be out of this damn car soon. I needed to move my legs. I just felt so cramped and just so trapped.

"You were out for a while." He chuckled. "Roughly Thirteen hours. You're a deep sleeper Ronnie." He said as he grabbed my hand. It was true. When I was stressed or anxious I would become the world's deepest sleeper. "Now as for the where are we part. Well it's hard to tell but I think we're ten minutes away from our destination. I just wanted to take a little break. Think about everything." He sighed as he started playing around with my hand, a nervous tick of his that I've noticed. "What you mean think about everything? I mean it's a little to late to be thinking about what we did Jason." I said, getting slightly upset. He told me, he promised me he had a plan. He promised me that we wouldn't get caught. I can't go to prison. I'm to pretty for lady prison.

"No. No baby girl. Baby girl. I have my plan, the plan is done. I'm just. Nervous about this plan." He answered as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. Another thing I noticed. Whenever he tries to calm me down he always squeezes my hand and calls me baby girl. And has much as I would hate to admit it. It worked every damn time. I took a deep breath and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. Damn I loved his eyes. "So, if you got this plan all figured out. Why do you need to think about it? " I asked softly.

I trusted Jason, I trusted him a lot. I mean if I didn't, why would I be here? Why would I have killed 500 people with him? God if I said all of this out loud I would be sounding so paranoid. But maybe I was. Maybe I was being paranoid. I had the right to be, right?

After a good minute or two or silence he finally started talking. "Have I ever told you about my mom's family?" He asked. Oh god, Jason never talked about his mother. He only talked about her once and that well. That didn't go so well.  "No, uh no. No. You've never talked about them." I stumbled, looking for the right words to say. I didn't want to say anything to hurt him or to scare him off the topic. "Well my mom has family, and they live in Texas and I asked them if I, I mean if we, could live with them for a few months." He started. I could see how nervous he was and honestly I can't blame him.

He probably hadn't seen these people in years and suddenly he's asking if he and his girlfriend could live with them. It would have been odd for both him and the family. "And they said we could." He ended with a slightly smile. Holy shit. I was gonna meet Jason's sane family, the normal family. Shit, I hope they like me. "Baby that's great." I smiled back as I squeezed his hand lightly.  He squeezed my hand back and then started up the car. "Come on, let's get you a proper bed." He chuckled as he let go of my hand and put it back on the wheel.

During the rest of the trip I looked out the window as he told me about the family we were staying with and something didn't add up. He told me that they said yes. They. Indicating that there was more than one. But from what he said, it was just his single Aunt called Grace who had no kids. I shrugged it off and continued to watch the window as the small town zoomed past. It was a beautiful town, looked like one of those towns where all the neighbors know each other and really bonded. It seemed like a perfect new start, a start that Jason and I really needed.

After ten minutes Jason pulled up in the driveway of a small but cute house. The front yard had an extremely pretty and well kept garden and everything seemed to be well maintained. I think Grace and I would get on very well. "You ready babe?"I asked as I grabbed Jason's hand. He just sighed and looked at me, with the same look he always gave me. "As ready as I can be."

I'm sorry this is so bad and I made the few who do read this wait so long my n.

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