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As terrifying as it was, I tried my hardest to play it cool. "Wow, a lipstick message in the mirror, what is this? The Shinning?"I laughed as I grabbed a handful of tissues and started wiping the eerie message away. "Well redrum bitch." Heather Chandler's powerful voice boomed, even in death Heather Chandler still knew how to dominate the room I could see McNamara slightly hiding behind Duke. "Listen, your fun and games are over Chan." I sighed as I threw the lipstick stained tissues into the toilet. "I'm starting over now, I have a new life. Small town girl Veronica Sawyer from Sherwood, Ohio doesn't exist anymore." And with saying that I flushed the toilet, washed my hands and put my hand on the doorknob to leave. "No!"Heather boomed and I swear to god the items on the counter shook. "You don't get to start over. You don't get to live while we all died. I drank drain cleaner, do you know what it feels like to have your insides burn? Cause I do. You know what it feels like to get shot in the throat? No? Ask Ram. What happened to believing you're a good person Veronica? God, you had sex one time and suddenly you think it's okay to kill people and get away with it." 

For the first time in her life, well afterlife, Heather Chandler had a point. Good people don't just kill people and think it's okay to get away with it, but they deserved it. Everyone at Westerberg High School was an asshole who deserved to die. "Heather, I'm serious. Stop now." I said through gritted teeth. I couldn't focus on anything, not leaving the bathroom, not creating more well structured argument that would prove I was still a good person and totally in the right. No. All that was running through my mind was 'I, Veronica Sawyer am a good person' over and over until Heather's voice snapped me out of it "Hi serious, I'm fucking dead how are you doing?" Ha, for once Chandler actually had a sense of humor. "Veronica we're not going to stop, we're going to get what we want. You know don't think of it as ghost trying to kill you, think of it as justice for Betty Finn and Martha Dumptruck, ah, Dunnstock. Those poor girls are facing life in prison, some news reports say they're looking at death."  God how I wished Chandler didn't bring up those names. Those two sweet, innocent girls were being framed for murder and they didn't deserve it. Well, maybe they did, Yeah. Martha was a creep, she couldn't take a hint when it came to guys and just stalked them and creeped everyone out and let's face it, she probably broke into Ram's house once or twice when he wasn't home. And Betty. Betty, Betty was perfect. She'd never hurt a fly, always sweet, always caring, always just, perfect. But that didn't matter she was a murder now. "What do you want from me?"I snapped, everyone in the house could probably hear me but that was a chance I was willing to take. "Do you want me to kill myself? Cause that isn't happening Heather, I'm happy now and you're dead. Get over it." And with that I twisted the door handle and made my way back to the living room.  

"Hello dear, everything okay?' Gracie asked, fuck. They probably heard me screaming at nothing and think I'm insane and for JD to think someone's insane, they must be pretty fucked up. "Y-yeah. Yeah, sorry I just got a little lost but I'm all good now." I smiled as I made my way to JD's lap, as soon as I made contact I felt his arms wrap around me and let me tell you something, it was bliss. "Excuse me, would you mind if we put on the news? I haven't watched it in a while and I would like to catch up with everything." I asked sweetly, Gracie smiled back and got up to turn on the TV. That was a lie, I hated the news, I thought it was corrupt and bias but I couldn't help but to think of what Chandler told me 'Some reports say they're looking at death. That couldn't have been true. Sure they killed 500 people but capital punishment? They don't do that for teenage girls. Do they? Maybe this was a bad idea, I went to speak but another voice cut me off. 

" What was supposed to be a weekly pep rally turned into tragedy and the entirety of America is mourning the loss of Westerberg High School's students. Two girls who attended the high school have been charged with this crime.  Students Martha Dumptruck and Betty Finn have been charged with killing their classmates and police say their chances of the charges being dropped are next to nothing. More news on this story tonight at six." Oh shit, oh no. I can't believe it. Well I can as we planned for it to happen exactly like this but still. "A darn shame."Gracie sighed. "How could someone do that? How could someone kill their own classmates?" As Gracie spoke I could feel JD's arms tighten around me, as if he was enjoying this. "Yeah, there are some real sickos out there." I couldn't see his face as my eyes were still glued to the news screen but I could tell he was grinning. He was actually happy about seeing my friends be pinned for mass murder.  "I need to lay down." I announced as I shot up from JD's oh so comfortable lap. I didn't even wait to be told where we were staying, I just needed to be away from everyone. I went down the hall and found a bedroom that appeared to be empty, just as I went to lock the door behind me I noticed Jason standing in the doorway. "Ronnie, what's wrong?" He asked, frowning. God this man was beautiful, especially when he looked at me as if I was the only girl in the world. I went to speak but someone interrupted me. "We're still here Ronnie." Chandler grinned. Jesus. I knew this was the worst move but it had to be done. "Come in, we really need to talk."

I'm alive! I haven't updated in like a year but shh. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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