Why am I still here?

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(Before I start writing I should say this book may contain mature content everything I mention that has to do with bullying and suicide don't do I am trying to make a piont that people should do something about it.  Always feel free to help. Thank you. )


Hey I am Katrina, I am a 15 year old girl who has no friends and yes, I hate to say it but I get bullied by the people who were so post to be my friends.But never mind that.

I have 2 sisters, 1older, Chelsea who is 17 years old, and Arabella who is 12. My dad wanted a boy so my parents kept trying but we were all girls. After Arabella was born my mom Karen told my dad Ross she didn't want to have any more kids. He got mad and left when Chelsea was 7 and Arabella was 2.

So that means my dad left us when I was 5 he said he wanted a boy so he didn't love me because the docter told them that I was a boy, some docters, so when I was born and my dad saw that I wasn't a boy he was quite mad. My mom and dad had another kid because my dad wasn't going to stay if she didn't have a boy. So Arabella was born.

That made me a middle child Chelsea was always helping with Arabella so she got a lot of attention. Arabella being the baby of the family she was spoiled rotten. They both got whatever they wanted and me I had to earn it myself by doing chores around the house.

That is what I call, not fair.

When I started school I was 4 years old and every year this really mean girl Jennifer was in my class. She would always call me names like ugly, gross and fat. I didn't care what she said untill she called me fat in the 7th grade. I became scared to eat and when I did I threw up.  I have been like this my whole life now but my mom started making me eat. So I am back to normal weight. She still bugs me. Last week she said to me "Habe you looked in the mirror lately? or does it break when you look at them?" I ran off crying.

But back to my, lets just say better life.

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