Chapter 3

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(Scarlett Flash's PoV)

I drove as fast as I could, but I knew Megatron was close behind. I could hear him, and I heard Knock Out too. Although he probably didn't follow me voluntarily. Wait, now Knock Out knows that Megatron is my dad.....scrap.

"Scarlett to base!! Scarlett to base!!" I said through the com link.

"Scarlett, we read you. What's wrong?" Ratchet asked worriedly.

"MEGATRON IS WHAT'S WRONG!! HE KNOWS I'M HERE AND HE'S HOT ON MY TAIL PIPE!!!" I exclaimed letting the fear in my voice show.

"Scarlett, we will provide a ground bridge. Do whatever you must to get away from Megatron," Optimus said.

"Got it," I replied.

"Scarlett, to get a ground bridge to you, you would have to be able to stop so I can lock onto your coordinates. Do you think you can get far enough from Megatron to stop for a mere minute so I can get the ground bridge up?" Ratchet asked.

"I...I think so," I said, speeding up. I drove off the road and down into a canyon near by. Megatron was close, and surprisingly enough Knock Out was closer. But I had heard he actually did street races, or whatever the humans called it so it wasn't too surprising. Megatron wasn't able to get to close to me because of the way the rocks position were. As I weaved around the rocks Knock Out caught up with me. "SCRAP!" I said to myself as I tried to go faster but I couldn't. Why, why, why, why!?! All I wanted was to get some energon, not have a family reunion, UGH!!!

"So Megatron is your father?!" Knock Out asked loud enough that I could hear over the revving of the engines but quiet enough so Megatron couldn't hear.

"Yes, he is!! What's your point?!?" I snapped at him as I tried to lose him.

"Nothing, it's just surprising!!" he snapped back. I went to say something else but I heard Megatron fire some shots at the rock formation ahead. The rocks fell blocking my path, but I was not prepared to let that stop me.

"Well it was nice talking to you without having to shoot you, but I need to go!" I exclaimed to Knock Out as I drove up onto a slanted rock, used it as a ramp, and flew over the rocks. I heard Knock Out's tires screech to a halt. Megatron couldn't get to me from here. "RATCHET NOW!!" I practically cried through the com link. Within seconds a ground bridge appeared behind me and I raced through. As I arrived back at base I transformed out of vehicle mode as I took a few deep breaths.

"Scarlett, are you ok?" Optimus asked as he walked over.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine,"  I said and only then did I realize that all of the Autobots were starring at me in shock, same with the kids.

"Umm, are you sure? You sounded pretty worried," Bulk said.

"Yeah you sounded as if your spark had just skipped about ten beats," Jack said.

"Well, I'm fine now....really. I just wasn't prepared to see Megatron, and I knew I stood no chance against him alone," I explained, hoping it would be a good enough explanation for them.

(Knock Out's PoV)

We had gotten back to the ship, and Megatron hadn't said a word about anything that happened. I was awkwardly trying to find a way to stop thinking about what happened but I couldn't. I couldn't get over the fact that Megatron had a daughter! Especially sense she's an Autobot!! Then Star Scream walked in.

"So Knock Out, how did your little energon mission go," he said sarcastically. I could tell he was annoyed about something.

"It wasn't too bad, I found a large energon deposit," I told him. He didn't seem to care to much, and I was glad because I really didn't want to explain what I had just witnessed.

(Megatron's PoV)

I couldn't believe it. She was here! I tried to stop thinking about it but I couldn't. It had been so long sense I had last seen her, far to long. But now her guard will be up more than ever, now that she knows that I've returned and that I know she's here. I have a feeling that bad things will happen, but then again bad things are my specialty.

(Scarlett Flash's PoV)

We were getting ready to head out to the space bridge and stop Megatron's plans, when Optimus stopped me.

"Scarlett, are you sure you are alright coming along. I would not want any recent or past events to cloud your judgment," Optimus said.

"I'm sure. I won't let it affect me, I have to do this. For the sake of Earth, Cybertron, and the Autobot cause," I told him and he nodded. Then we all went into vehicle mode as we went through. As we got through the bridge we drifted into space. We gravitized, so we could stand on the space bridge.

"So Megatron is packing enough dark energon to raise Cybertron's dead?" Arcee asked.

"And sense we do not have the ability to shut down the space bridge, nothing gets in or out," Optimus said as we readied our weapons. Then came the 'cons. As I blasted one by one, I dreaded the moment Megatron would fly down. But I couldn't let him win this war, none of the Autobots could afford it. Then the space bridged opened, and I knew thins wouldn't turn out well. Optimus told us to take our positions, and to follow Ratchet's lead while Optimus dealt with Megatron. We were able to reverse the current which would cause the space bridge to be destroyed. As Optimus ran over we all jumped into the ground bridge. We made it out of there, barely. My thoughts should've been on how lucky we were to make it out of there, but my thoughts were only focused on one thing. Was Megatron alive? Nothing could've survived that blast right?

'Will I ever have to deal with him again? I want the war lord Megatron gone, but I want the old Megatron back so should I be happy he's possibly gone?' I thought to myself. Optimus walked over to me with a somewhat sympathetic look, and I figured he felt the same way about Megatron possibly dying. I mean, they were very good friends before the war. Optimus even admit that Megatron was like a brother to him.

"Scarlett, why the question still stands whether Megatron has perished or not, I have another question. How did Megatron find you? It is not like him to be on energon patrols," Optimus said.

"Well, he wasn't scouting for energon, but another Decepticon was. Evidentially Knock Out had been scouting for energon and he picked up the same signal I did. Then apparently he took to long so Megatron bridged to his coordinates but his trip obviously didn't turn out as expected," I explained to him, making sure no one else heard.

"I am assuming that Knock Out did not engage in combat," Optimus said and I nodded letting him know he was right. Knock Out and I had only fought each other once, and that was when there were a lot of other Autobots and Decepticons around, but when firing I purposely missed. My old Autobot friend Silver Streak would purposely miss sometimes, but I wasn't sure why because he had never mentioned knowing Knock Out before. Silver Streak was basically my partner back on Cybertron. If Optimus needed a small team to look for energon deposits or deal with a small pod of Decepticons we would be the two to go deal with it.

(Knock Out's PoV)

As I did some work I still couldn't stop thinking about what happened. One thing I really wanted to know how mad Megatron was when he first discovered his own daughter was an Autobot. He was probably infuriated, but that's an understatement. Speaking of Megatron, apparently he's dead or at least that's what Star Scream said. Although I'm not sure if I should trust Star Scream, even if we are on the same team.

(Scarlett Flash's PoV)

As my thoughts drifted to Silver Streak, happy memories were brought back, and happy memories were things I didn't have a lot of. I remembered the early days of the war and nothing made me happier than scouting for energon with Silver. He was the only Autobot, besides Optimus, who didn't care about who my father was. Silver trusted me, even though he knew that my father had become a war lord because he knew it wasn't about who I was related to, but about who I was. Even though I've known the Autobots for so long, I know they wouldn't understand.

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