Chapter 18

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(Scarlett's PoV)

"I will request only once, that you two surrender the relic," Dread Wing said as we stood a few feet away from him.

"We were going to request the same of you, Dread Win," Optimus said.

"Then I would say we were on equal footing, if there were not five of us, and only two of you," Dread Wing said.

"Six if you would release me of these ridiculous cuffs!" Star Scream snapped. Soon Dread Wing began to fire at us, but Optimus and I fired right back. Dread Wing mainly fired at Optimus while the other two went for me but they weren'ta problem. Optimus dealt with Dread Wing and went over the edge of the glacier we were on. Optimus shot part of the glacier so it would collapse on Dread Wing and it did. I drove off into the icy plains hoping to find Optimus, and I did. The two 'cons guarding Star Scream began to fire at us but we took out the one, and Star Scream turned the other around right before the one we took out shot him. Then Star Scream tried to make it look like he wanted to team up, again, and he was so glad that Optimus had prevailed, again. Star Scream began to say that once we removed his cuffs he could lead us to the relic. Optimus readied his weapon.

"You will lead us there regardless," he said. Oh, I guess I'm not going to beat Star Scream up right now, that's kinda sad. Sometimes I feel like the only reason Megatron ever let Star Scream live even though he knows Star Scream would try to terminate him is so he can watch Star Scream fail, mock him, and then beat him up. Then the cycle would repeat. It is Star Scream we're talking about so this cycle has probably happened three. . .maybe four times? Then Star Scream started complaining about how 'the freezing temperatures were going to damage us'. Ugh, Star Scream is such a cry-baby(as the humans would call it).

"The current temperatures are not extreme enough to affect our biology. You'll be fine," Optimus said.

""Fine but miserable. I can not believee you do not appreciate our alliance especially after all I have done for the Autobots!" Star Scream said.

"Yeah, like that one time when you beat up Arcee," I said sarcastically.

"Well I did help Optimus restore his memories and I saved Arcee's life one time!" Star Scream scoffed.

"While at times you have proved beneficial to us it has only been to further your own interests," Optimus explained.

"Well, we can't all be as selfless as you , can we?" Star Scream asked sarcastically. Seriously, Optimus better let me beat him up.

"Just lead the way to the relic," I told him and Optimus looked to be glad that Star Scream's annoyance was getting to me sense he didn't like having to deal with Star Scream either and he wanted to speed this up. After some more walking we saw a human base.

"As I suspected, humans. This is where you'll find your relic," Star Scream said. You know how terrible it is to have your weapons ready but not be able to use it on a 'con who deserves it? Star Scream tried to kill me a lot on Cybertron, well try to make me join the 'cons which lead to trying to kill me when I said no. All his attempts were pathetic, easily stopped, and another reason I have for hating him is he kinda terminated Silver Speed, who was like a brother to me and also didn't care that my dad was an evil, Decepticon war lord. Star Scream of course was ready to just march right up to the humans base, and of course Optimus stopped him. When Optimus contacted RAff so he could talk to Fouler it seemed like every other sentence Optimus said would get an optic role from Star Scream. Then Star Scream started complaining about waiting in the cold for some humans to give them permission and blah, blah, blah. And Star Scream wonders why everyone basically wants him dead, locked up, or just to not even be on Earth a all! Soon the base was clear and we could head in.

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