Chapter 4

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(Scarlett Flash's PoV)

I wasn't sure what to really do. All of us knew that there was no way Megatron couldve survived but with dark energon who knows if he actually did? Even if he is gone the Decepticons are still here, and still a threat. I can't just sit around trying to figure out if I should secretly grieve or not! I need to focus on any missions at hand. But I couldn't focus, I don't know how to handle this!!!! I heard Ratchet talking to Optimus about Megatron and this is basically how the conversation was.

Ratchet: "Optimus, why so glum? We are all free from Megatron's tyrany,"

Optimus: "While I do not disagree I had hoped that we could change his mind rather than extinguish his spark," and I ignored most of the conversation after that sense it was drowned out by my thoughts. Ratchet said something about how it wasn't our fualt but Megatron's own fualt that his spark was extinuguished, and then he said something about Megatron being twisted. But surprisingly he apologized to Optimus and said something like "I know you had a history with him,". But Optimus and I both know that the Megatron we once carred for was gone, but we both hoped it wouldn't be forever. Without even realizing it, Optimus walked over to me, and was probably having the same thoughts I was.

"Scarlett, I think you should take some time to clear your thoughts," Optimus said. Ratchet gave Optimus and I a look. Optimus took a quick glance at Ratchet and back at me.

"Optimus....I think it's time that someone else finds out," I said and surprisingly I didn't regret. Optimus looked surprised sense I had always done my best to avoid a chance at letting someone else know.

"I will only tell Ratchet for now," Optimus whispered as he walked over to Ratchet, and I transformed as I left the base.

(Optimus's PoV)

"She's what?!" Ratchet said in a shocked yet quiet tone.

"I have would've told all of the Autobots sooner but in past events when others found out they did not trust her as they would trust any other Autobot. Scarlett has finally decided to let someone besides myself know, and I would prefer if this remained between the two of us," I told him. Ratchet nodded in agreement.

"But why tell me this now?" Ratchet asked.

"While most of us are relieved knowing Megatron is gone, Scarlett had also hoped to change his mind, as I did. With recent events, her thoughts have been confused and it is a lot for her to take in on such a short time. While Megatron may be gone, the memories we all have of him will never be, but some of those memories were good for Scarlett and no matter how badly he's hurt her and countless others I fear that letting go of the past may be one of the hardest challenges Scarlett has ever faced," I explained.

"Well, I am happy that Scarlett trusts me enough to allow me to know but I can not truly blame her for not sharing it with others. I'm not sure how they would take it, especially Arcee," Ratchet said.

"Hopefuly one day, Scarlett will be able to share her past with all of us and hopefuly no one here will change their trust toward her," I said.

(Knock Out's PoV)

Star Scream had somehow manage to find Megatron barely alive, and now he was in stasis. Ugh, every time I think of Megatron or see him I think about that energon deposit incident. Wait, if Flash doesn't know Megatron is still alive, then how is she reacting? Did she actually care that he could die or be dead as far as she knows? I think she does, but I can't be sure how much she cares. She did join the Autobots even though she knew Megatron would be angry so she obviously didn't care if he was angry. I seriously need to stop thinking about this, if I could just tell someone else and get it out of my system I would be fine. But I don't think any Decepticon on this ship will be too happy to find that out, besides if Megatron does recover I would prefer if he didn't extinguish my spark.

(Scarlett's PoV)

As I drove around, I was headed back to the base, and I pulled over by a large rock formation that was pretty far from the town nearby. I just parked myself here, as I continued to think.

'I can't believe I let Optimus tell Rathcet! Maybe it was fine, Ratchet trusted Optimus even though he knew of Optimus and Megatron's friendship before the war, and Ratchet has seen me fight for the Autobot cause sense the begining of the war so he knows I wouldn't side with the 'cons just because Megatron was my father. Although I can't say the same for the others. Bee would probably accept it but I'm not to sure about Bulk and Arcee. Especially Arcee. It will feel strange to go back to the base and know that rather than one, there will be two Autobots who accept me even though my father is Megatron. I guess it won't be too strange sense back on Cybertron there were two Autobots who knew, and didn't trust me any less. I missied Silver Streak, he was like a brother to me after all. But there was no way to get Silver back, except dark energon but that wouldn't bring him back, it would just turn him into a monster. Besides, even if it did bring him back I wouldn't dare tamper with dark energon, or make Silver suffer by being brought back to a world filled with war. That's not what he would want. Silver used to talk all the time about the end of the war, when we could all be happy again. He even said that he hoped Megatron did change his mind so I would be able to have the old Megatron back, sadly I don't think that wish of Silver's will come true,' I thought to myself. I had been out for a while now and it was time for me to head back, I was getting ready to head back when I noticed Sound Wave flying over head. I quickly backed up and hid next to the rock formation, hoping he hadn't seen me. Sound Wave was another 'con I knew before the war and I did talk to him every now and then. I waited for a while until Sound Wave was far out of sight, and then headed back to the base. When I got there Bee and Optimus were gone, and Ratchet was...helping the kids build stuff.

"Do I even want to know?" I asked Arcee.

"Science fair, it's a school thing and Ratchet just has to help," Arcee explained. I nodded, and Ratchet gave me a quick glance then went back to fair projects.

"So where did Optimus and Bee head out to?" I asked Bulk.

"There was signals of energon being transported and we knew it was 'cons so they went after the signal," Bulk explained.

"Ratchet was supposed to go, but he-," Arcee began but Ratchet cut her off.

"I am trying to focus!" he snapped at her and everyone else in the room rolled their optics...well the kids rolled their eyes. Ratchet had finished Miko's project and Arcee had gone with Bulk to scout, so I was stuck at the base with the only other Autobot who knew my secret and three kids. Ratchet kept giving me looks as if he wanted to say something but he was to nervous to, and the kids noticed the looks too. The three gave me a look as if to say 'umm what is going on?'.

"Ratchet if you want to say something, just say it," I told him and the kids gave Ratchet a look.

"Optimus told me," Ratchet said.

"Yeah, I know," I said and I acciedentally let the nervousness in my voice show, scrap.

"Scarlett, I do not trust you any less from learning this, I am just glad you trust me enough to allow me to know. And I know it will be hard to tell the others," Ratchet said.

"Tell the others what?" Jack asked. Ratchet and I looked at the kids, and then back at each other.

"Well, I'm eventually going to tell the whole Autobot team, and technically the kids are a part of the team too," I said.

"Wait, what do you mean you don't trust her any less?" Raff asked.

"Maybe you should explain it to them," I told Ratchet, hoping he would get the hint that I didn't like talking about the subject so he should talk about it instead.

"Alright, but don't tell the other Autobots," Ratchet told them as they nodded in agreement.

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