Liliya Crane

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Name: Liliya Elizabeth Crane Born: Russia - 19th November 1999Age:23Species: Human Status: Single Parents: Dead Siblings: 2 -Sofia Maria Crane, Eric Ivan Crane

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Name: Liliya Elizabeth Crane
Born: Russia - 19th November 1999
Species: Human
Status: Single
Parents: Dead
Siblings: 2 -Sofia Maria Crane, Eric Ivan Crane

Personality :
Liliya is a sweet beautiful girl. She is very protective of the things and people that mean a lot to her. Liliya is timid, however, she is not afraid to use her sassy mouth to prove a point or to get what she wants. Other than that Liliya loves to draw forming galleries of work, music and has a talent for speaking 7 languages ( Russian, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin and English )

Backstory :
Liliya Elizabeth Crane was the daughter of Levi Crane a high-ranked Mafia boss and Maria Crane a Swallow. After the death of her father, at the age of 8, her uncle began to take interest in the mafia and started taking her father's place in the rankings. Once he did he killed her mother after abusing her and hunting her down with his dogs, he sent her brother away to get an education and her sister a husband. At the age of 10, he had brainwashed the poor girl to be a perfect killing machine being able to service any men or women, seducing them, and killing anyone that messed with the mafia. At the age of 13 Liliya rebelled against her uncle who had enough of her antics and sent her to an asylum where she spent 3 years of her life before her brother took control.
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