A beautiful thought. (Part3)

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Jungkook was quite tired, so he went in his room. He took a shower and changed into something comfortable. After that, he collapsed onto his bed and within no time, fell asleep. It was a beautiful sleep, he looked so sound and squishy.

(Okay my fangirl side is ruining this story df I need to stop.)

He fell in the arms of a sleep so deep, he didn't move all night from his position.
He woke up at around 5 in the morning. He instantly sat up and thought he was going to be late for school but then remembered it wasn't a school day. But because of his sudden action, the last bits of sleep had left his eyes. He got up, washed his face and went down only to find Jin making coffee and stood beside him in the kitchen. He was thinking of making breakfast but Jin had already made it and pointed at the plate on the countertop. He looked behind and sat there to eat.

"Jin-Hyung- "

"I'm not making anything more! Not because I don't want to but because there's literally nothing at home."

Jungkook had a sweet smile run across his lips because of Jin's words said rather rapidly out of the cutest angry-ish attitude he had early in the morning.
That boy really adored his Hyungs a lot.

Jungkook clarified saying, "I wasn't gonna demand Jin-Hyung. I just wanted to ask you something."

"Then go ahead you slow-mo." The older said quickly out of embarrassment.

Jungkook chuckled a little,
"Forget about it. We'll go and buy some stuff for kitchen. I mean others are soon going to wake up and yes, I can with 100% surety say that they would demand more than just a single, almost burnt, toast. "
As he said it and watched Jin laugh softly, Jungkook had the realization that the food he was offered earlier was actually made by Jin for himself. It was all that was left and Jin gave it to him instead of eating it himself.
Jungkook's heart melted and he quickly went to grab his jacket to leave with him.

They were at the nearest grocery store, now. They knew what they wanted and so without wasting any time they went to the section that had bread, buns and other such things. Jungkook was putting the bread in his basket when he saw his favorite packets of biscuits placed on the shelf next to the one he was standing in front of. He moved to pick up two or maybe three of them when Jin said that he was going to look for the trays of eggs.
Jin was around the corner when he looked back at Jungkook to tell him to buy less stuff since he had brought just a limited amount of money with him.

Just when Jin was about to open his mouth, he saw a girl standing a few feet away, behind Jungkook, staring at him with a bit of a mad look on her face. He was soon caught by the girl's eyes and she lowered her gaze before beginning to walk away from both of them.
Jin rushed towards Jungkook telling him to see the girl that was now taking quicker and bigger steps to get out of the store as fast as possible.
She walked swiftly through the narrow aisles, not caring much about the chances of things falling off of shelves because of her, or what would happen if suddenly a person appeared from behind the shelf and bumped into her, she just wanted to get away. Her long hair followed her when she walked quickly and all of a sudden collided with her back when she stopped briefly in order to put the things, in her hands, on the counter and then without wasting a second more, she opened her little bag, took out the money and gave it to the man sitting there sipping his morning coffee.
She picked her bags up and went out.

Everything happened in less than a minute and it was way too fast for a person who didn't even know for whom he was looking exactly. He tried to find the girl but wherever his eyes went, she had already been disappeared from there. He could only see her when she was at the counter. And by 'her' I mean her arm. Thats it. The rest of her body was hiding behind the stupid board that stood there and had no importance at all.
She had rode her bicycle to the store. She got on it and went wherever she wanted to. Jungkook moved forward to see her through the store's windows but a poster taped on that glass kept him from seeing her.

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