Cupcakes. (Part7)

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Everyone was now done telling the new teacher their names and most liked subjects.
She smiled at the last kid, then looked down at her wrist watch.
Quickly moved her eyes up.
"Students?" She waited for the them to stop talking and become attentive.
"We still have 15 minutes left. I know Sir Min isn't here but I had been asked by him to collect your homeworks strictly."
A look of annoyance took over many of the students' faces. Still they got up one by one to submit their homework. Everyone was done when she looked straight towards him. Darn! she knew he hadn't gotten up yet.

There wasn't any choice, besides, what if it was incomplete? He wouldn't have wasted his other 3 exercises on which he spent his morning, right? Obviously she didn't know how much they were supposed to do, their previous teacher wasn't the kind to give so many details; the same reason he hadn't specified anything, just told them to do any 5 exercises. He could've gotten away with it but Jungkook chose not to.

"Its not exactly what Min-saem had asked for, but still."
He spoke with confidence yet in a soft tone, looking down at his hands.

"Its okay. But next time I need what I should be given. Nothing less, nothing more."
He looked up but her eyes quickly moved over his shoulder to look behind, at the class.
"Of course, I'll be more responsible from now on. " He turned around to return to his chair.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that he was a bit disappointed. Whether it was because he didn't expect someone like her to talk to him in such a stern manner.

' "Someone like her?" What do you know about her anyway.'

Or it was because he'd always done everything on time but only this time, he had to mess up.
Or maybe he just missed his old teacher. He was good. It was the Maths that never pleased him.
After that, a two-hour long break was next for him. The students left the class and so did he. Before leaving, he noticed that the teacher was still standing in the class, looked really busy, reading and marking something. She never lifted her head up, and he left.
After that nothing much happened in school, he was tired and all sweaty due to his football practice that day and he wondered why did they have to put everything on a 'Monday' always?
He got home, showered then ate some noodles afterwards.

"Jungkook, you don't seem to recognize this umbrella, do you?" Jimin entered the kitchen holding it in his hand.
"I do, actually, hyung. It's that girl's who helped me yesterday."
"Ah yes. I remember you told me about it. So aren't you gonna return it?"
"I will. I'm just too tired right now. Also, my noodles aren't finished yet."

"Okay. But return it in today's date. Its not very good to keep someone's stuff for so long." Jimin sounded like his mother which wasn't a new thing for him to experience from his hyungs' side. But he also sounded a little like a desperate best friend.
"Nothing's gonna happen Jiminie. It's not possible." He tried to break his cheesy hopes as he took his last bite, then got up to put the fork and bowl in sink.
To get his grey hoodie, he went upstairs. Came down and walked towards him.
"I'm going" He extended his hand.

"Bye Kookie"
"Bye Hyung"
Walking towards her house, he got consumed by something. He didn't plan to stop anywhere but damn those cupcakes smelled delicious, the whole street was bathed in their sweet chocolaty fragrance. It seemed like a new shop had opened there.
"Two, please!"
He hadn't finished his second cupcake when a thought came into his mind.

Maybe going to her house like this wouldn't look so nice, I should take some cupcakes with me in order to thank her in a better way.

"Six and in a box this time, please!"
Now he was headed towards her home. Reaching there, he rang the bell.
Ding dong!
A girl asked "who is this!" Well, it was more like shouting. She doesn't shout, moreover, the voice wasn't hers. He took a step back to take a look at the house once again.

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