Naive. (Part8)

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The following morning, gave rise to another school day. Nothing much happened. It was a normal average day, full of exhaustion and unwanted attention from all the girls at school that didn't matter at all.
He had a girlfriend once, but it was nothing more than an immature relationship.
All the fans matter a lot to him but in school, he preferred to concentrate on studies. He knows very well that his future doesn't demand him to do so but he just liked to be a good student rather than a rich spoiled kid.
Furthermore, most of the girls at school didn't respect BTS, they just wanted to get...laid.
And yes, needless to say, but he's quite nervous around girls anyway.

He walked out of the school's building and went to the parking space, he saw Yun there and was planning on running away, just the subconscious reaction on seeing your teachers, y'know? but she saw him, so he stopped.
"Good afternoon saem!" He bowed.
"Good afternoon, Jungkook." She smiled a little then stood there confused and in awkwardness before turning around to enter her car.

Her weird, confused looks always made him chuckle inside. That girl really didn't know how to act like a teacher at all.

Or maybe just around me. Jk.

Next day, he went to school and the same tiring routine repeated itself. Except this time, when he exited the building with one of his friends, he saw her in parking lot and she wasn't alone either. Her friend was there to pick her up.
Soo Yun looked a little tired probably because of school but she never stopped nodding to her friend's words, smiling and letting out small responses every time her friend would give her a chance to talk. The other times, Eun just continued to talk unceasingly about something she was clearly very interested in. She was standing leaning against the car while Yun stood beside her. Every word that came out of her mouth, every hand movement of hers, her eyes going wide and then back to normal, suddenly standing straight up and then again to the leaning position -everything screamed how happy and focused she was. He had met the girl before. Two times. But never got to see her smile so brightly, it was weird how he liked, accidentally, discovering her other side.

"JK I think I have a crush on our teacher." Haneul confessed.

(I've shown you who Haneul is in the picture above.)

He moved his head to his side where he stood.
"Teacher?" He couldn't pinpoint who exactly he was referring to.
"You know the new Mathematics teacher?" His cheeks went red. And here he was afraid Yun would hear them. He looked back at her, Han kept talking about her not knowing she was standing only a few feet away from them. He wanted to warn him but he wouldn't let him speak, he just kept talking on and on.
"She is so pretty, polite and perfect. Honestly, I don't get why they would hire such a young teacher!?"

After a pause of about 5 seconds, he said, "JK, I know I'm not the only one who likes her."
He moved his face once again towards Haneul in shock, let his mouth open a bit. But soon understood his point when he continued,
"There are so many boys in our class and so many more in this whole school who would do anything to get her *sigh* but that doesn't stop me from adoring her."
He simply nodded and smiled to make his friend feel better who stared down at the ground. He seemed really sad but had managed to hold onto some hope.
"JK even if I never get the courage to say it to her, I will always wait for her. YUN is the only girl I would always wait for." He raised his voice to emphasize her name and God, just how much he wished his friend hadn't been into 'acting' and 'emotional drama' things.
Jungkook immediately looked over to her hoping she hadn't heard them but could luck be on his side when his idiotic best friend was right beside him? His eyes went wider and heart almost stopped when he found her already looking at them, questionably.
He gulped still looking in the same direction when Haneul followed his sight and came to know about her presence.


This idiot.

"Help." They both whispered to someone invisible then looked at each other, somewhere inside they both agreed that they would go and talk to her. It was better to talk rather than just running away and making the situation more suspicious.

He knows there were so many Yun's in this world they could've been talking about but the fact that he had nervously glanced at her, made everything clear. It only made her sure that they were talking about no one but her. And he knew, he knew that the look on Yun's face had to be removed. Somehow, he had to make her believe they weren't being disrespectful talking about god knows what using her first name.
Furthermore, she was their teacher and she had already seen the two boys looking at her, going away without saying a 'good afternoon' definitely wasn't a polite thing to do.
They walked towards them, her friend now stood straight and confused. Yun waited with her eyes and ears open for them.

"Good afternoon Saem!" They said in harmony, smiled a little and bowed.
"Good afternoon boys!"

"So I heard my name. Is there something you want to say?" She raised her brows, this time, she actually had a kind smile on her face.
He was so relieved and looked to his side to find Han drooling over Yun's politeness and he prayed he wouldn't do or say anything stupid with that look on his face. But he himself couldn't do anything either, he couldn't lie to her, he had never lied to anyone how could he lie to his teacher? He was surely going to get caught.

"Saem, actually I have a problem with one of the exercises. I'm quite worried about the test that'd be held on the day after tomorrow, so out of anxiety, I raised my voice without realizing it." Han's lying abilities were without any doubt of professional level. In addition, he had successfully made Yun believe him with the tensed and sad look on his face.

"Oh I see. Don't worry Haneul. I'll help you tomorrow. Come to me after class, okay? "
Before he could nod, a look of sudden remembrance took over her face,
"Oh no! I can't help you tomorrow. I have to go to the head office for a meeting." And now she was worried about someone who never bothered to even think about his studies.

"Its just one exercise, how about I help you with it just now?" Her face lit up at her own idea.
"Uh yes saem!" Han said as he began to open his bag to get his Maths book. Soon they got busy with the random exercise that Han thought looked difficult. Both of them got lost in Maths and forgot about the other two.

The painfully awkward silence grew and he couldn't help but look up at her face, and guess what? She was already staring. He was surprised by how deep her gaze was. She looked so beautiful with her eyes piercing right through him. Quite obviously, he had never seen her look at him like that before.
He could still feel her eyes on him, so he raised his face again just to experience the sight of her from such a small distance.
Her short dark hair covered her forehead and slightly her eyes while they continued to compliment her bright skin excellently. A part of her long hair rested on her left shoulder and arm and the rest hid behind her. As always, she was wearing something dark-colored. A midnight blue shirt, with black pants.
"I- "
"Huh?" He interrupted her before she could even begin.
"I want to say something." She started again.
"Yes, please go ahead."
"You must think of me as a very rude person, maybe I am." He wanted to comfort her but that would've been lying. Actually he did think she's rude sometimes.
The rate of his heartbeat increased since he was, for the first time, having a real conversation with her. Seeing that he didn't reply with a fake assurance, she continued.

"Whenever we meet, it's me being mean to you which is something I'm sorry about." He looked up feeling her voice go quieter.
"I'm truly sorry for always acting immature, I think I am. Please forgive me." She bowed and he just couldn't take the fact that he was the reason due to which she felt bad about herself.

"No, please! Its okay! Please don't do this." He almost touched her shoulders to make her stand straight.
"You're not rude. And the way you apologized shows that you aren't immature at all. In fact, you're a very good person." He assured her and a faint but real smile conquered her lips.
On seeing her like that he couldn't help but smile back sweetly at her. In that moment, while looking at each other smiling, he'd swear his heartbeat could've been heard from miles.

You're not rude, beautiful. You're just really child-like.


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