Idle chitchat

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I was back at Jake's Parent's House, and I took out my phone to text Hannah.

Me: Do you wanna go shopping or something? I heard there are several sales on right now.

Hannah: Sounds great! But we have to do it today.

Me: Why?

Hannah: I'm leaving early tomorrow to go back to Sydney.

Me: Aww nooo. We just get to know each other!

Hannah: I know. So let's go shopping soon!

Me: Oh and after, we could head to this nice beach party out on a private part of the beach!

Hannah: Yes, totally. Where do we meet?


I spotted Hannah and walked over to her, pulling her into a big hug. "How have you been in the 12 hours I haven't seen you?"

"Oh just fine. My hangover is a thing of the past." Hannah flicked her honey brown hair over her shoulder and leaned over to me saying, "I heard you got up to some naughty stuff last night, care to indulge me?"

"Oh, I kissed some guy and vowed to love him forever-" I was iterrupted by Hannah laughing really loud. I continued on, "Yeah, Jake told me about it, he thought it was pretty funny as well."

Hannah managed to tone down her laugh enough to say, "Aly, I think we both had one too many drinks last night."

"Oh Hannah, what did you do?"

"I might have gotten lost in my drunk state, I couldn't find my hotel! But Luke found me and I basically spent an hour trying to convince Luke that toads and frogs are the same. He wasn't buying it, but I still remember not moving until Luke agreed that frogs and toads are the same.

"I slept at his house, and Luke was really nice considering the trouble I had caused him. Aly, he's really not that bad. If he wanted to get laid he literally could have suggested it to drunk me and I would have been all over him. He is after all, really hot."

"Yeah, okay. I have to admit that he is pretty nice, considering what his standards are-"

"Aly! He's a good guy, his standards are to always be nice. So really that was just what he usually does."

"Oh, so now you're down playing the act of the good samaritan?" I smiled at Hannah, who was becoming increasingly confused.

"What? No! He's a good guy, Aly. Just realise it. Plus, how is he our enemy?"

"The opposite sex, an unknown and dangerous species. Frequenting places with hot women, fatty food or prefferably both."

"Now I know you're just teasing me. Plus, they could also frequent places with hot guys, or people who don't fall into guy / girl. Plus, you left out all the genders in the middle of guy / girl, or the ones excepted from the spectrum-"

"Yes Hannah, I understand you are a strong advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and awareness. How about we set that aside for a moment, because it doesn't matter which gender you are, everyone needs clothes!"

"Unless you're a nudist."

"That's not a gender!"

"Says who?!"

I ran ahead of Hannah, heading for the swimwear shop. When she arrived, I had already picked out two bikinis I liked the look of. I was only intent on buying one pair, because clothes can be expensive. "Floral or pattern?" I held up the two sets.

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