A tarnished reputation

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I sat there waiting, for what seemed like hours. I thought about how much my butt hurt from sitting there waiting, for what I concluded was about 25 minutes. I was more than sure now that something was up. Alyssa still hasn't returned to her camp site and it was getting dark... I grumbled and decided to count to 200 ten times. If Al wasn't back by then, well, I wasn't sure what I would do then.

I sighed and started, despite the thoughts of roiling doubt in my mind. One, two, three...


Still no Alyssa. Something is wrong... I had forgotten my phone back at my own house, so I concluded the only viable solution was to head back to her house. If Al was going to go as far as stay here overnight that was her fault. It was pretty easy to track her down, those fires were a unwelcome distraction - but she probably placed them there to make sure if I was deep in the forest I would be drawn back to her trap. With a frown I thought back to the unpleasant feeling of being outsmarted into falling into mud. Tracking back to the house took a long while, but I got there before sun down which was good.

I grumbled as I took my shoes of so I could go inside and use her shower to rinse off before waiting for her to come back. I yanked open the door in annoyance and received the biggest shock in my life.

Lying before me on the couch, sipping some soda water was none other than Al herself. She flicked to a new channel on the tv without even glancing at me. She was in a fluffy blue nightgown, with matching slippers. The tips of her hair where still wet from what I presume was the shower.

This is what the trap was! This was her master plan! I truly am an inconceivably moronic person. When my friends catch wind of this story I will have a tarnished reputation...

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