Running Into You

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“I like it like that! HEY! Windows down chillin’ with the radio on” the hot chelle rae song boomed from my headphones. I ran on the trail through the woods breathing heavily with each step when BOOM! I blindly collided with something making me fall back. It all went black.

Hi. I’m Soranna. But most people call me sora for short. I’m 18 and 5’ 6”. I have long blonde hair that reaches the middle of my back and pacific blue eyes. I live in a small town in London and live with my slutty room mate Keera who seems to not know how to close her damn legs. My home is a boarding school that my parents sent me to as a freshmen in high school because I was their second child and they didn’t want me to go down the “wrong path” like my oldest brother who got into drugs at the age of 15. He’s in jail now for dealing drugs. I think they just didn’t want to deal with me as a teenager. Some parents they are. I wrote them a letter the other day explaining to them how when I graduate they shouldn’t expect to see me back home in new york. I’m staying in London


“oh shit!” a deep voice sounded from above me.

“what in bloody fuck did you do?!” another voice said

“is she dead?” yet another voice spoke. But this voice sounded Irish.

“HARRY YOU FUCKING KILLED HER!” a fourth voice shouted.

“no! no I didn’t! see! See she’s breathing!” the first voice said again. I forced my eyes open. It was all blurry but I could make out 5 figures standing around me.

“hehe…shes pretty” I new voice came in. I blinked a couple of times but my eyesight was still fuzzy and my head throbbed.

“WAIT! Shes awake!” the same Irish voice from before spoke.

“are you okay?!” the deep voice asked and I could make out a blur of curls getting closer as the person kneeled besides me.


“ouch” was my smart reply before I blacked out again.


I woke up in my bed which somehow seemed 10x’s comfier then I remember. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. Wait… where am I? I didn’t recognize any of my surroundings. My hand touched my head where I felt pain and that’s when everything came back to me. Running into something…or someone and the 5 guys. I carefully stood up. I walked to the closed door that was in front of me. Turning the handle I cautiously walked out into the hallway. I found my way into the living where 5 boys were sitting on the couch watching… toy story 3...? Wait… why did these boys seem so familiar?

“ello’ love” one of the boys said. “how’d you sleep?” he asked smiling. This caused all the boys to turn and look. I studied them with a puzzled expression.

“are-are you… o-one direction?” I asked full of confusion. They all laughed and the curly haired one, Harry nodded his head. “where am I?”

“at my house” he answered. Okay…

“why…?”I asked again.

“cause Harry’s an idiot and accidentally ran into and you got knocked out. We didn’t know where you lived so we brought you here” this time it was Liam who answered.

“why not the hospital?” I asked. they all fell silent in thought.

“that thought didn’t cross our minds love” Louis smiled.

“of course it didn’t” I plainly replied

“anybody have anything she could change into?” Zayn asked the rest of the guys as he examined my apparel. I looked down to see I was in my basketball shorts that were covered in dirt and my now brown but originally white singlet. Lovely.


“I think everything would be to big on her…” Liam said.

“okay! Every one in the car!” Louis shouted.

“why?” I asked for me and the rest of the boys.

“well we have to get you some cloths of course!” we all nodded, understandingly and started to go to the car.

“ oh wait…” Harry called. I looked back to see him holding out his purple ‘jack Wills’ hoodie. “it’ll be a little big… but…” he said with a little smile. I smiled back at him.

“thanks” I said slipping on the hoddie. We got into the car. Harry was driving with Louis in the passenger seat and Zayn and Liam on either side of me while Niall was in the back.

“so… I don’t believe we caught your name” Zayn said to me.

“oh…its Soranna but you can call me Sora” I smiled

“that’s pretty” Louis commented.

“got a twitter?” Niall asked from behind.

“uhhh I did…I forgot the password though, ha-ha” I answered.

“kay… lets make you a new one then” Liam said as he tapped on his phone.

My new twitter acount… thanks to the boys is @SoraLUVS1D thanks guys.

By the time we got it set up on my phone we had arrived at the store.

It was basically empty due to the fact that it was only 7 o’ clock in the morning. Niall left to go look at the candy they had on display in the front, Zayn found himself near the display of sunglasses. Yes, for the mirrors and Liam was baby sitting Niall. (A/N: So fighting the urge to write ‘Lol’!)

Me, Harry and Louis walked over to the girls section.

“what about this?” Harry asked holding up a pair of booty shorts and wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at him.

“not a chance” I walked over to the jeans. I was looking at the skinny jeans when I felt the hood of Harry’s hoodie go up and an arm fall around my shoulder. Harry’s phone popped up.

“say cheese!” he said before snapping a picture. A second later my phone dinged. I pulled it out of the hoodie to see I got a twitter notification. Oh wow. What a surprise. Note the sarcasm.

Harry Styles: @Harry_Styles

Yep… @SoraLUVS1D is rocking my jack wills J


Well that’s attractive. I thought as I looked at the picture of me and Harry. My face looked quite dirty. I replied to the tweet

Soranna Gates: @soraLUVS1D

@Harry_Styles ewe… look at my face >.<

I herd Harry’s deep voice laugh from besides me. “you look beautiful” he said as he side-hugged me and kissed the side of my forehead. Oh my god! Did HARRY STYLES just kiss me?! Yeah It was my forehead but still!!!!! I fan girled for a minute there in my head while I tried my best to brush it off.

Running Into YouWhere stories live. Discover now