chapter 4

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“Holy!!! You guys eat A LOT!” I exclaimed in shock looking at the 4 boxes of ‘10 piece Mc-nuggets’ a box of ‘20 piece Mc-nuggets’ of course those are for Niall, the 5 large fries and 6 big Macs. Yeah I’ve heard boys eat a lot but really?! wasn’t this a bit too much? I looked from their giant pile of food to my 6 piece Mc-Nugget and medium fries

“its not that much” Niall said, emphasizing on ‘that’ “your just like anorexic or something” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“she’s a girl!” Zayn told Niall. We were all sitting in a circle in the living room.

“what does that have to do with anything?!” I questioned him. People and stereotypes these days

“well I don’t know” he shrugged “girls just usually eat less” he said although it sounded more question

“ok so changing the subject!!!” Liam spoke “where is Sora sleeping?”

“uhhhh the guest room?” Harry questioned

“that’s where we sleep though” Niall said on account for him and Zayn.

“no its ok! She can sleep in the guest room!” Zayn blurted out

“what?” Niall asked him

“yeah, you me and Sora all in one bed! Sounds great, doesn’t it?” I blushed a little bit

“oh hell no! she can sleep with us then!” Harry shouted

“why doesn’t she just sleep with me then?” Liam commented

“TEAM LARRY!” Louis and Harry shouted together

“TEAM ZIALL!” Zayn and Niall yelled

“TEAM LIAM!” Liam yelled too

“TEAM JACOB!” I yelled feeling a bit left out. They all fell silent and looked at me. I gave a little smile and shrugged my shoulders

“no. team Edward!” Louis argued

“Team Jacob”


“Jacob” me and Louis argued back in forth over the Twilight characters. The other boys just silently watched. This went on for maybe a minute more until we heard Harry talk.

“team Edward? Or team Jacob? Who will win? Leave a c comment below telling us which team your on.” he said to his phone. Wait he was video taping this?! “any last words competitors?” he asked us turning the phone towards us again.

“TEAM EDWARD! Cause Jacob doesn’t sparkle!” Louis shouted and winked.

“TEAM JACOB! Cause Edward doesn’t have killer abs or turns into a sexy wolf!” I shouted.

“to be continued!!!” Zayn said popping up in the phone screen right before Harry ended it.

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