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The Originals and the Rejects were walking towards the doorstep of the Originals' home. Edd then pulled out a key from his pocket that had a soda tab attached to it. He put the key in the doorknob, turned the knob, and opened the door. Everyone got inside, and settled in at the living room. "Well, now that everyone's here, who wants pizza?" Edd asked. "Ooh, ooh, I do!! Pick me!" Matt said, waving his hand intensely in the air. "Alright, Matt. Settle down." Edd replied. "I could go for some." Tom responded. "Yes, so do I." Tord agreed. "Ohhhkay. How about you guys, do you want pizza?" Edd asked the Rejects.

"Sure," Torm and Thomas agreed. "YeS!!" Scribble exclaimed. Everyone agreed except Tomatoredd, who had a confused look on their face. "What about you, Tomatoredd? You don't want it?" Edd asked. "What's, pizza?" Edd's part asked. "Wait, WHAT?!" Matt shouted. Edd stood there dumbfounded, Tom and Tord having shocked expressions. Matt ran up to Tomatoredd." You SERIOUSLY don't know what pizza is?!" "U-Um, no..?" Matt's part replied. "Wait, Redd, we had it before. Don't you remember?" Torm asked. "No..?" Matt's part replied. "Well, uh, anyways. You should really try it. It's great!" Edd said, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, if it's really that good, we should try it." Tom's part shrugged. "Alright, it's settled!" Edd said, getting his phone out. Edd went to the kitchen, along with Torm, Tomatoredd, and Matt, who was excited out of his mind.

Tord sat down on the couch next to Thomas, Tom coming over and sitting next to him. Tom turned on the TV and changed the channel to "The Children." "This ain't apple juice!" A child yelled from the show. Tom and Tord laughed while Thomas looked interested in the show. "Do you like the show, Other Me?" Tom nudged Thomas. "It is entertaining. Better than what we had in the Rejects Room, at least." Thomas replied. "ToM, ToRD! CoULd ScRiBBlE wATcH, tOO?" Scribble asked with joy. "Sure, Scribble." Tord replied. Scribble climbed up onto the couch and sat on Tom's lap. Tom was surprised, causing his face to become flush. "He seems to really like you." Tord teased. "Shut up, Commie!" Tom laughed.

In the kitchen, Edd was deciding what toppings should be on the pizzas. "We already have pepperoni, so what else?" Edd asked the others. "Jalapeños?" Torm asked. "No, Matt finds them too spicy." Edd said, looking at Matt a little annoyed. "What about Hawaiian? I love pineapples!" Matt said. Tomatoredd and Torm looked at Matt in disbelief. "D-Don't do that." Torm suggested. "Please don't." Tom's part muttered. "Yeah, Matt. You know how Tom feels about that." Edd reminded Matt. "Aw, alright..." Matt said with disappointment in his voice.

"How about a cookie pizza? It could be a nice dessert. Plus Scribble would love it." Torm asked. Matt's face brightened up. "That's a great idea! Could we get one Edd, pleaseee?" Matt pleaded. "Could we get it, too?" Matt's part of Tomatoredd asked Torm. "Sure. It may even help your lost memories." Torm smirked. "Alright, alright, Matt. We'll get your dessert." Edd said to Matt. "Yay!" Matt cheered. Tomatoredd made a small smile. Edd got his phone out and made an order to the pizza place.

Everyone then walked out, walking over to the living room. Tomatoredd noticed Scribble was drawing on the dining table, while Tom and Tord where talking to each other. Matt walked to the couch and sat down next to Thomas and they both were watching The Children. Tomatoredd walked over to Scribble, wondering what he was making. "What are you drawing, Scribble?" Edd's part asked. "ScRiBBle DrEW fRIenDs!" Scribble explained, showing Tomatoredd the photo. It was drawing of Scribble, Torm, Thomas, and Tomatoredd holding hands.

"Scribble, this is done very well!" Edd's part exclaimed.
"It's very nice," Tom's part added.
"I agree." Tord's part replied.
"Great job!" Matt's part cheered.

"ThaNKs, ToMaTO!!" Scribble blushed. Tomatoredd pecked him on the forehead, Scribble smiling wide. Tom and Tord looked over, snickering. They had both eavesdropped on their conversation. "You sure love him, don't you?" Tom asked with a smirk. "S-Shut up! So what if I love him, what's it to you?!" Tom's part yelled at the duo, Tomatoredd's face slightly red. "Oh nothing, it's just that it was cute." Tord replied. "Oh, I'll show you cute!" Tord's part said with annoyance before chasing Tord. Tom chuckled and bent down to Scribble, who was very short compared to him.

"You're actually pretty cute, you know that?" Tom asked Scribble, putting his hand on his cheek gently . "I aM? ThANks, ToM!!" Scribble smiled. "Anytime. You know, you're like my long lost brother. More or less a clone, but you get the point." Tom said. Scribble hugged Tom, Tom hugging back. Tord came running back into the dining area, panting as if he ran a marathon. He calmed down and saw Scribble and Tom. "What were you guys doing??" He asked, confused. Scribble pulled from the hug and went towards Tord. "ToM aND ScRiBBlE aRe BRotHeRS!!" Tom got up and walked towards Tord. "He just seems like it, okay?" Tom said, his hand behind his neck. Tord snickered. "It's alright, Jehovah's Witness."

Moments later, the doorbell rung. "Pizza Planet!" A male voice said. "That's the pizza guy! I'll get it!" Edd exclaimed, running to the door. Edd opened the door, payed for the pizzas and the 2 gallons of cola he ordered, and shut the door. "Who wants pizza?!" Edd yelled, holding the pizzas in hand. "I do!!" Matt exclaimed. Matt rushed over to the kitchen and grabbed some plates and cups. He ran back to the living room, setting them down with excitement. Edd opened the pizza box, revealing a pepperoni pizza. He got out a slice and gave it to Matt. Matt squealed, taking a bite out of the pizza. Edd gave the rest of the slices out to the others.

"Oh, Scribble." Edd remembered. Scribble walked over, looking up at Edd. "YeS, EdD?" He asked. Edd got a small box out, opening it to show a cookie pizza. Scribble raised his hands up. "Is ThIS fOR ScRiBBlE?!" He asked. Edd nodded, only for Scribble to squeeze his leg. Edd guessed that that was his thank you. "You're welcome." Edd chuckled. Torm and Thomas looked over, smiling at Edd. "Thanks for getting that cookie pizza." Torm whispered. Edd shrugged, "Eh, it was an accommodating thing for me to do." Tomatoredd took a small bite of their pizza, staring intensely at it. Their face brightened up. "We did have this before! It's our favorite!" Edd's part exclaimed. Thomas sighed, shaking his head with a grin. "At least you remember now." Torm shrugged.

Sorry for the delay for this chapter! I have a hurricane coming for me, and that is not going to well. Plus, I noticed I have over 200 reads now? Thank you guys so much for the support!  It means a lot to me! Anyways, I'll see you guys on the flip side!

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