Chapter 23 ~ Love Hurts!

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Dedicated to OopsHiLarry_! Hi there! :D Song for the chapter is Half A Heart! Yasssss, Idk. Trust me, I wrote this listening to it and I just thought it fits here perfectly.

Not edited. 


Zayn just called me saying he just got back and he's now waiting in front of the church. I ran as fast as I could back to the church as the I clenched my hands to the paper bag's lace so it wouldn't slip or fall. When I was near at the church, I could see Zayn's luxurious black car and him sitting at the car's hood. "Zayn!" I yelled as I ran forward.

I slowed down when I was just few steps away from Zayn. He stood up once I was standing in front of him. "What's that?" He asked, pointing at the paper bags I was holding.

"I thought you weren't coming so I bought clothes." 

"You bought clothes? Then you should have just gone instead of coming here." He retorted.

"But you called me thus the reason I came here." 

"I'm incredibly punctual but I got stuck in situation that made me this late." Zayn reasoned out.

"It's okay, Zee. What matters is you still came to get me. Thank you for that." I beamed a smile at him.

"It really feels weird when you call me Zee when you're dressed like that." 

"Is that so? I'll hurry and change then." I ran forward to the door to the back seat and opened it when Zayn called out my name well Perrie. "Perrie!" I turned to him. "How about just go back like that?" I wait for some seconds to know if he was really serious and he was. His face literally screams for serious. I was dumbfounded not knowing what to say.

"If you come back like that, I'll be the one to take you to President Si and try to clear things up meaning I'll help you out." He offered.

I was torn. I'm not in the right position to take his offer because it's not mine to accept since I'm just tangled in this situation and helping my sister out. If I do, then it will make me look like I'm the selfish one since if any chance that President Si would take me, I'm literally going to replace my sister making her lose her career. I have my own and my sister does to. I don't plan on ruining that. I didn't answered Zayn's question instead I just got straight in the car and started to stripping, Zayn was outside and he knew that I'm going to dress in here so he didn't hesitate to get in. I took my bag taking out all I need for the 'transformation'. Bra, foam inserts, undergarments, girdle.

It took me almost 15 minutes to finish dressing up. I had to comb the wig since it was scrambled inside my coat's pocket, forming some tangles but in the end I got it all in control. I opened the door and got out, standing in front of Zayn dressed in jeans, t-shirt, and oversized black sweater. When Zayn heard the door being shut, he turned back. Looking at me intently.

"Do you really plan to keep acting as Perrie? Do you Niall?" Zayn folded his arms. "Why did you accept Perrie in the first place?"

"I liked well your voice. Since you were the one who I heard sang. Just like President Si stated, your voice suited the song best, the voice that I was looking for." He answered genuinely.

"Then it doesn't matter who I am as long as I have the voice right? It was my voice indeed. If I act as Perrie or just plainly myself, I could still speak and sing with the voice you liked and I want you Zayn to help me ready my voice to sing the song. Help me sing your song please. I'll work hard."

"Just remember if you can't do it you'll definitely be kicked out of the group." 

"I will. I'll strive to sing and give your song justice, Zee." Slowly, I noticed his lips form into a smirk as he carefully nods.

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