Team Spyro

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Stealth elfs Pov:

I opened my eyes to a faded light peering through the window. Stretching a bit I hopped out of bed and headed down stairs.

"Good morning!" Sprocket smiled handing me an apple. "I got you this for breakfast, you better hurry up and eat it! Or we will be late to class!" She ordered tugging me to the door.

I was pretty hungry so I ate the apple in a matter of seconds, I then carefully took out the seeds from its core. And planted them on are way to class.

"What are you doing?" Sprocket asked very confused. "I enjoy to plant things." I admitted. In the old forest spreading seeds of all different types of tree species was one of my chores.

Sprocket just shrugged and pulled me along until we were back in the classroom. Jet-Vac still hadn't shown up yet so in the meantime Sprocket tried to explain to me how she wired this calibrator with this other hod-dicky. I didn't pay much attention and decided to zone out a bit. I noticed that Spyro and his group of friends weren't here yet. I kinda felt a bit disappointed.

But none of the Skylanders trust them and so I shouldn't either! I sternly told myself. But something kept nagging me, about the story Sprocket told me.

"Attention Skylanders!" The annoying voice of Jet-Vac yelled out. The classroom grew quiet as the veteran Skylander started to give us a lecture on the function of Arkeon robots or something, I wasn't really paying attention.

"BOOM!" The door flew open and again Spyro and his friends came stumbling in receiving dirty looks from the rest of the class.

"Sorry Jet-Vac Trigger Happy here set our alarm clock an hour back and he set it so it would explode when it went off!" Spyro told our professor annoyed. I couldn't help but smile under my mask.

"I'm tired of hearing excuse after excuse Spyro! You and your friends can go and clean the whole academy after school today while the rest of the Skylanders will be attending the Cloudbreak Island festival.

The group of misfits groaned and went to take their seats. "I say Master Eon should never had let any of you join the ranks of a Skylander." The whole class heared Jet-Vac mutter under his breath.

I frowned that's not fair! Jet-Vac is taking just sleeping in too far.

He then said something that just made me snap.

"Its because none of you have parents that's why you must be such trouble-makers."

I stood up and angrily shouted down at Jet-Vac "There's nothing wrong with having no parents! You should be old enough to know that grandpa!" I just couldn't hold my tongue anymore.

The whole class gasped.

Uh oh

Jet-Vacs face turned tomato red and he looked like he was going to blow. "Ms. Elf if you feel such a need to stick up for these sad excuses of Skylanders then you can stay after class and clean up the school with them."

The rest of class was a bit fuzzy, this isn't what I though being a Skylander would be like. I was embarrassed and humiliated, I just wanted to go back home and be with Cami Flage without having a worry in the world.

When the bell rung, I stayed in my seat not making any eye contact with anyone. I felt a soft pat on my shoulder. I looked up to see Sprocket giving me a sympathetic smile. "It will be ok." She murmured before walking out of the classroom.

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