Valley of Fear

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Stealth elfs Pov:

Thanks to the engineer the Dread Yacht was in tip top shape while heading towards Kalamity's fortress. I was practicing some kung fu moves on deck when Cynder glided over with an amused look on her face.

"Stealth elf this came on the back of a carrier pigeon, and its adresses to you." She said handing over a scroll. I opened it up and then began to read

Dear Stealth elf

Young elf, you are in so much trouble! You promised me you would write to me everyday and you clearly haven't followed through with it! And I almost let it slide because of the news that the Skylanders were defeated and Eon was killed. I was half way to the academy to try and find you until I heard in a local tavern a band of misfit Skylanders who survived the attack where traveling to stop Kaos. I already know your a part of this group considering I raised you in the art of survival. I'm very worried about you! I know you are skillful but going again Kaos is very dangerous. Please be careful! I will await your return.

                              Love Cami Flage

I smiled reading my letter, at least I know Camis ok. "I envy you Stealth." Cynders voice cut through my thoughts. "Why?" I asked the purple dragon. "You have someone who loves you and watches over you." Cynder sadly said. I put my hand on the dragoness wing, "well Cynder it looks to me like a lot of people really care about you here." I remarked. The dragon smiled brightly in return.

Our conversation was interrupted when Flynn called out, "Land Ahoy!" Exited that I would finally be able to be around some nature I rushed to the stern and lean over the edge.

All I saw were flat rocky planes with dead plant life and some skeletons laying around. "We're close to Kalamity's fortress." Spyro informed us solemnly. "This is how far as I can take you, if we go any further my ship will be spotted." Flynn told us. "It's time for us to part ways Skylanders." Cali spoke.

We said goodbye to Flynn, Hugo, and Cali who promised to stay with the ship until our return or if we return.

We started to walk into the desolate waste lands, the land was treacherous and frightening. Something was wrong though, I felt dizzy and light-headed. My usual ninja reflexes and remarkable sense of balance had completely disappeared. I kept tripping over myself walking. What's wrong with me?! I thought worried.

"Stealth are you alright?" Flameslinger asked noticing I was a bit off. I knew it was impossible to lie to Flameslinger and get away with it so I just swallowed my pride and answered him truthfully. "I'm actually feeling pretty bad." I managed to squeak out.

"On no! I totally forgot!" Spyro gasped. I looked at him in confusion. He quickly explained. "You see this land is of the undead element and since Stealth elf is a life element which is the exact opposite of the undead, Steath is weak here. Your not feeling well right now because your powers are being sucked away.. it's only temporary! You should feel better in about a half an hour but after that your powers will be gone I till we reach the fortress."

"What!?" I exclaimed, "your telling me that my powers will be taken away from me until we get there!" I gasped. Spyro nodded.

How am I suppose to fight, or defend myself, or even sneak around!? I thought frantically to myself. "Don't worry elf as soon as we get there your powers will return, you just have to deal with it for now." Gill Grunt informed me. I miserably nodded.

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