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I haven't always been alone. I had parents until I was 9 years old. Then, they left me alone in the wild. With only enough supplies for around a week. Before I was released by myself into the wild my parents taught me survival skills. How to make spears, knives, bow and arrows. How to build a fire, small home and how to hunt. They were allowed to give me a backpack full of supplies when they left me. In the pack there was a book on what plants you can eat. I've found it to be quite helpful. I've been out here 7 years now. Yes, I'm only 16 and I know basically everything about this area. I call it mine. If anybody invades it, they might as well be dead. I'm a heartless person because that's how I was raised. They taught me how to be brave and strong and not let anyone take advantage of me. The longer you have been out in the wild alone the more you know, and the better chance of survival you have. Some people weren't as lucky as me to be raised how I was. They were raised like they should expect thing to be given to them, and you shouldn't have to kill animals for food. That's what gets you killed out here. Bobcat or cougar or another wild animal comes your way and you don't have the heart to kill it, your dead. I remember the day my parents let me get on the train the took me here. I was petrified. But, my dad told me not to show my fear because it makes you seem weak, so I kept myself from crying till I actually got deep into the wilderness. I climbed a tree and sobbed for a while. Then, I finally got a grip. If I was going to survive and see my parents when I turn 21 again, I would have to suck it up and be brave and strong. I broke off branches from the tree and started to make a bow. It took me a long time but I finally got it to just the right size and weight. I made some arrows and I practiced on trees around me. I got pretty good and decided to build a little home so I wouldn't have to worry about falling out of the tree in my sleep. I still live in that same house that I built when I was 9. I knew what I was doing. I had to make a few modifications since then but I did a pretty good job. I step out of my house with my bow and arrows, not a little heavier and bigger, and look around. I don't think there will be much game around here. I start to head North towards the spring. I usually can find deer or rabbit over there. But every once and a while I can get a wild cat. I walk over to the stream and see a doe down a little ways from me. I pull an arrow out and aim. I shoot and it hits her in the chest near her heart she stumbles a ways and then falls to the ground. I run over to her and pull the arrow out. I can clean it and then use it again some other time. I pick up the carcass which isn't too heavy and head back home. When I get there I hang her upside down to let the blood drip out. After that, I'll skin it. I'll probably be able to make a blanket or some clothes out of it. I sit down and take out some of my water that I boiled earlier in the day and take a swig. I swish around in my mouth and then I hear some rustling in the bushes around me. I grab my bow ready to attack anything that may come out. I slowly creep that way and make out some sobbing sounds. I get really confused and brush away the bushes to reveal a little girl sitting there crying. She must be new, she looks quite young. "P-please d-don't hurt me." She says putting her face between her legs. I sigh. I thought I was really going to have something exciting happen. :(. "I won't hurt you." I say and realize that sounded harsh. "P-p-promise?" she says looking at me. She has hazel eyes and very light blonde hair that falls to her shoulders. "I Promise." I say sounding a bit annoyed. "now run along!" I say shooing her away with my hand. I turn around and start to walk away. "W-wait!" she says standing up. "What?" I say turning around and facing her again. "Can you help me? just for a little bit, train me how to survive. Please! I don't want to die!" she says collapsing onto her knees and starting to cry again. I throw my head back in annoyance. I don't need an extra body to feed and take care of. I need to be alone. "Fine, but only until I think you can survive." I say pointing at her. "Oh! thank you! thank you sooooo much!" she says pulling me into a hug. I roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah, ok go play with a stick or something and leave me alone, and don't touch me ever again." I say scolding. "Oh, okay." She says a little sad. I turn around and head to my little house. I crawl inside and sit down. I sigh. I hear her roaming around outside. Dang it. She's going to need someplace to sleep. Wouldn't want coyotes to eat her in the middle of the night. Well.......okay fine. "Here, you c'mon and stay in here with me." I say resisting. "Really?" she says perking up. I nod my head slowly. "Yay!" she squeals and runs inside. "It's so amazing! I can't believe you built this!" she says. Bluk. She's way to perky. "Tomorrow your lessons will start!"I call to her from outside. "Yippee!" she squeals. I face palm. We've got a lot of work to do.

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