Chapter 10 - Raven

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Adam knelt by the gravestone with a single flower in his hand. He ran his hand over the name on the headstone. 'Astrid Holt. Sister , Friend.'

"Hi." He finally managed to say. "I know I haven't come here since I came back. I'm sorry. It's just hard, you know." He swallowed, and sat down on the ground.

"I finally asked Rose out, so that worked out. Wish you were here to see us, though."

He smiled at the thought of having Astrid around with them.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when his phone rang. He answered it was Zatanna's excited voice.

"Hey Adam. Come over; there's someone you should meet."

"Alright. Gimme a sec." He replied.

He dropped his phone and turned back to Astrid's grave.

"I have to leave now." He said. "Trigon's coming. Hopefully he won't try to possess me again. Bye." He sighed as he teleported over to Zatannna's apartment.

He found himself face to face with a dark haired girl. She jumped back in surprise. She had a blue cloak, and some kind of gem on her forehead. Her skin was quite pale.

"Who's this?" She asked Zatanna.

"Raven, this is Adam. Adam, Raven. You two have a lot in common." Zatanna introduced them.

They tried to shake hands but immediately pulled back as their hands touched.

"Ouch! What was that?" Asked Adam.

"It seems that your energies don't quite agree with each other." Explained Zatanna.

"Wait, what energy do you have?" Asked Raven.

"Twin Dragons. You?"

"I'm Trigon's daughter."

Adam stepped behind Zatanna.

"Timeout! You're his daughter! Doesn't that make you our enemy?" He asked.

"Trust me, I have no love for my father." She said in a grim voice.

"Cool. You're in your rebellious stages! I like that whole emo thing you've got going on." He said, referring to her cloak.

"I try."

"Now that we're all friends, let's get down to business. This." Said Zatanna as she pulled out the Bolt.

Raven's eyes widened as she saw it.

"This is bad." Raven said. "This is real bad. With this much magical energy, my father won't even need a host to possess. He can come in his true form."

"That's why the cultists wanted it." Adam realized.

"So what do we do now?" Asked Zatanna.

"We keep it safe. Somewhere they can't get it." Raven said.

Suddenly a portal opened near the Bolt and a pale hand appeared and snatched it.

"Zatanna, hold the portal open!" Adam said quickly.

Zatanna cast a quick spell to keep the portal open, while Adam and Raven went through it. They found themselves in a dark room, in the middle of a pentagram. They were surrounded by thralls and they saw one of the cultists running away with the Bolt.

Dark energy surrounded Raven's hands, and she released a shockwave that knocked down all the thralls in the room.

"Nice! Now let's get after him." The tore after the man who had the Bolt.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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