Chapter 3

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Mom sat there for a while thinking over it, "no I don't think it will work Lana, if he wants to help us he will come after us" she said,

"but how can he come after us if he doesn't know where we are though," I said

"your father might have played the innocent role back there but if he wanted to find us all he had to do was step out of the underworld and he would have been lead straight to us, I never made it hard for him to find us, I actually made it easy. That's how I knew he was lying right through his perfect teeth, he isn't of the underworld for nothing now"

I watched mom slither around the clearing and clean it up and make it look beautiful. Bloom flowers, put the green back into the leaves and all; "have you been practicing your harp like I told you to" my mom said non nonchalantly.

I stared at her like she was crazy, she was truly the only person who could put the most facial expressions on my face in the least amount of time. "uh is this really the right time to be discussing this, shouldn't we try to find another place to stay or go back to dad and beg for forgiveness or something" I said desperately.

Instead of replying she just hummed a little tune to herself and waited for me to pull out my harp, a Lillends main instrument was the harp even though it was easy for us to learn other instruments which I have learned. I pulled out my harp with a resignated sigh and started playing the saddest tune I could think of letting her know how I felt deep inside.

"no play something more happier and stop wallowing" she said still humming a tune and gliding around the clearing, so I played the tune she was humming which was obviously what she wanted to hear since she smiled at it.

I played different tunes and my mom critiqued and corrected me on whatever I did wrong, and danced around the clearing.

We did this for what felt like hours until I heard a twig snap at the edge of the clearing, we glanced over to see who it was and it was one of my brothers. He looked so shy but sure of himself at the same time, "hey" he said after a moment.

we just looked at him intensely, which just made him feel even more awkward. "hello my son" my mom said gliding over to him, she transformed and put on a green sundress that matched one of the colors of her wings and tail.

He turned around during this time so I changed back and put on a blue sundress, and walked over too, my mom had him in a tight looking hug and for a moment I felt jealous but realized she hadn't seen her sons in seventeen years and probably deep down regretted leaving them behind since they weren't Lillends. He hugged her back just as tightly, my mom was really petite with curves which I was blessed to inherit and long wavy auburn hair, besides her hair color she looked Hawaiian and actually when she first came here she stayed in Hawaii and that's why she made her and all of her kids name Hawaiian. Well actually I didn't know their names but I figured she did since my name is Hawaiian.

she finally let go and straightened his hair and clothes back up, my brother was actually really handsome, he had black hair like me, vivid green eyes like dads', full pretty pink lips, strong jaw line and features like dad and thick in a way eyebrows, he was also really tall about 6"5 and also 200 pounds of muscle. Since he was a shadow he basically blended and disappeared in the shadows of the forest but when he stepped out into the clearing where the sun was bright he squinted and struggled with the light but he stood out like a fly in an all white room. His presence just felt like something I couldn't describe, dark, but familiar, it felt like an empty space with no existence where ever he was, he felt so non existent I guess you could say. Then I felt another presence that felt like his and it was my other brother, he walked out into the sun and did the same thing the other one just did, my mom walked over to him and gave him the same hug and tidy up.

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