Chapter 1

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I woke up with a start, something was wrong, I looked around me but couldn't see clearly. Then I realized that was because smoke filled my room; coughing hard I immediately got my small bag of clothes my mom always made me make sure I had packed in case of basically situations like this one, I slipped on my shoes, grabbed important things... well my phone, and tablet/laptop, put a piece of cloth over my mouth and headed out my cracked bedroom door. I have always been really calm no matter what situation because what good would freaking out do I always say. I know I was supposed to go out my bedroom window but I wasn't leaving my mom in the house, not a chance.

I was already packed and ready to find my mom and I just literally woke up thirty seconds ago, I rushed down the hall to my mothers room. She obviously knew I was coming to her room instead of going out my window.

"I told you time and time again Lana to go out of your window." she said calmly with her bag slung over her shoulder.

She turned back to the open window she was standing at and without another word we did what we did all the time, we escaped from another attack on us. I watched my mom land gracefully even though she just jumped out of the second floor window, I then jumped out after her with the same gracefulness my mother had, seemed like gracefulness was my specialty too. We sped off into the woods with our inhuman speed without being seen, hopefully, not a word was passed between us as usual since we never truly knew who was hunting us; either other mythical creatures from the Order, or hunters, we never knew just got out and never looked back, well at least I didn't know who was chasing us all the time. I couldn't live a normal life hybrid or not.

Every time they burned one of our houses down I wanted to go back and kill every single one of them for destroying something someone put their hard blood, sweat and tears in, nobody should play around with art like that and the trees they had to cut down for that house now wasted which made me even angrier that they would think everything would always be here and nature and art was just something to waste, ruin and throw away. My mom has already learned to control her anger at them but I haven't learned because I was young, 17, and I truly didn't want to learn.

I put my headphones in to listen to some music to calm me down and my mother told me to transform so we can go faster so we stopped just for this second and I transformed into what I truly was, a Lillend, I had my regular upper body which resembled a human or elf female, my lower torso was of a multicolored serpent, and huge, strikingly patterned wings like a birds, and my coils were 20ft long, and when I was in this form my hair was the same colored feathers from my wings and my tail matched, my colors were blue, red, and silver, my mothers colors were blue, green, and gold.

We transformed in less than 5 seconds and immediately lifted off into the sky, we flew for an hour and all I could do was listen to my music and watch the wonderful view of the forests that flew by me, we went over a beautiful blue river which I got the chance to dip my tail in, it felt so wonderful. I didn't know where we were going but I didn't care because I was enjoying myself so much I was even laughing now and smiling which is not common for me or my mom, and every once in a while I would see her smile at a really beautiful scene of nature and even run her fingers through the leaves at the top of the trees. For some reason I felt that she was just giving me this time to enjoy something we both loved because we wouldn't be seeing it for a while, so I made sure I enjoyed every last minute of it and then by surprise my mother opened up a portal and we flew in it at top speed.

The beautiful serene nature view I did have was gone and now the view I did have was the worst that I have ever seen and it made me sick to my stomach, the sky was black, the clouds looked like they were oozing black ink or something, the air wreaked of death, fear, and evil, the buildings were nice but black and had a dark energy around each one, things crawled in the shadows and corners, different demons and creatures slithered, walked, crawled on the streets, it was the worst and ugliest place I have ever been, I just wanted to throw up from the bad aura and sight. My eyes watered and I stopped flying not knowing what to do, I only knew one thing and that was I wanted to go back, I turned around to see the portal was already gone and I didn't know how to make one yet so I was stuck here. I glanced back at my mom who was flying in place with a serious expression waiting for me to come on and when I looked in her eyes I knew there was no turning back.

I blinked the water out of my eyes and flew behind her as she continued, everyone was looking up at us now like this is the first time they had ever seen a Lillend, well it probably was since me and mom were the only ones on earth, there was others but they left over 300 years ago when they foreseen the future for this world and how it was going to be full of war, death, destruction, and nothing good, or worth saving and waiting for.

My mom stayed with a few others to try to slow down the process and help out, mom was the chieftain of them all and the few that stayed with her sooner or later left with the same lost hope as the others; but my mother stayed not giving up, she was so full of calmness and wisdom that I wished I had, one day I would have it too though.

We flew over all the creatures and landed in front of a big two story black house, we transformed back and put on our clothes, I usually would've went behind something and change but I wasn't taking my chance away from my mom in this disgusting place. My mom went up to the door and knocked, we waited a minute and then the most hideous thing I had ever seen came to the door, 'it's just getting worse and worse' I thought, the thing looked like a human and a fish, it's arms and legs were twisted fins, it had a bent back crowned with a long, spiny frill, and a slender muscular long tail, and it's eyes were huge well like a fishes, it was not at all attractive or anything close I didn't want to look at it any longer but it was hard not to look at the creature.

"May I help you?" the creature said in a surprisingly smooth voice, my mother spoke calmly with a serious blank face like the sight of the creature didn't disturb her not one bit.

"Where is Rowan, Hensley"? My mother asked.

'she knows it's name?' I thought, the creature led us inside the house we went downstairs to the basement and went through a door off of the main area which was set up as a game room, that door just led us into a wide hallway, and the end of the hallway was two black oak wood doors. Hensley knocked a pattern on the door and after a second the door flew open and we walked in as Hensley turned around and exited back the way we came, a man was sitting behind a dark ebony wood desk and looked up from the papers he was probably working on before we came. When he looked at my mom his eyes widened like saucers and his mouth cracked open from shock and surprise, he quickly composed himself so if I wasn't good at catching faces I would have never saw it.

"Kalani, wh_what are you doing here" he stuttered standing up.

He did not one bit look like the stuttering type, he was 6'7, pitch black hair, livid green eyes, kind of thick but perfect for his face eyebrows, strong jaw, nose, pretty lips, and over two hundred pounds of solid muscle, he was a man who you couldn't help but notice in a crowd since there was so much of him taking up space, his presence actually made me feel a little claustrophobic in the office. So many questions were running through my head, the main one who is this man, and how does him and my mother know each other, and why does he look so familiar but so much like any other stranger.

I glanced over at my mom and touched my finger to her letting her know my thoughts and concerns, ignoring me she said "I need your help Rowan" he looked deep into my mothers eyes searching for something, I tapped my mother again more firmly this time.

I also caught his attention and he looked over at me observing me from head to toe, " Kalani" he said choking on the name and looking at me with a weird look on his face, I mirrored the look which made his face look even more bewildered.

"Rowan this is your daughter, Lana".

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