Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

We have been in here for two weeks now and nothing has happened. Koa and Noa still try to talk to me but every time they get the cold shoulder. I don't want to treat them this way but I don't want to get hurt by letting them in and growing our sibling bond just for them to choose their other mother and sister over us when the situation arises, but they just don't think like me so it's ok to build a relationship with their biological mother and sister, and then run back into the arms of their other ones. I felt the pang of jealousy I always felt when I thought about this. Mother knew why I wasn't talking to them because she could read my mind. I wasn't capable of closing off my thoughts from her since I wasn't a mature lillend yet, but I didn't mind because it was easier for her to just read my thoughts instead of her pestering me and asking me questions about it that I most likely wouldn't have answered.

I was currently in our bedroom sitting cross legged on the floor, drawing a picture of a park I once saw when I was ten. I still vividly see it and I actually admired the piece of nature the humans had tamed. I had my back drop of the trees and grass and the small lake in the distance drawn and now I was working on the few people that were in the park that day throwing a Frisbee and having a picnic.

While I was drawing a boy in mid air about to catch the Frisbee that was close to his hands, Noa and Koa strolled in with the confidence of two dark princes.

“Hey Lana.” Noa said plopping down onto my bed. Koa sat down on the floor next to me. Noa was the funny, all over the place twin while Koa was the laid back, sensible twin.

“Hello.” I greeted politely and quietly. Even though I was giving them the cold shoulder didn't mean I was going to be rude and not answer back.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“Drawing.” Was my simple reply.

“Oh... What are you drawing?”

“A picture...”

“What's the picture of?” We actually did this every time they came over, me being elusive and Noa asking question after question until he got the detailed answer he was asking in the first place, but he never minded because it meant me talking more to them.

“A park.”

“Oh a park, that's cool. Can I see?” He asked getting down onto the floor with me and Koa. They both looked over my shoulder one over each shoulder and looked at my half finished drawing.

“Oh cool. You can really draw.” Koa said.

“Do you have anymore drawings we could see?” I hesitated and thought about it for a while when my mom came into my thoughts and told me to show them and stop being mean. I flipped to the beginning of my drawing book to show them my older drawings. I was already drawing the picture of the park on my last page and I didn't have another drawing book. The first drawing was of my mother sitting in our old house that we were previously staying in, with her reading glasses on reading a thick book. Her face was set in concentration and she was chewing on her bottom lip, we both did that when we were reading or concentrating.

I flipped to the next page and it was of mom laughing in the kitchen while cooking breakfast for us one morning. I loved my mom's laugh because it was so melodious and beautiful that I could sit and listen to her laugh all day. I flipped to the next picture and it was one of my mom crying holding a picture to her chest, she was sitting on her bedroom floor with her eyes closed and tears streaming down her face. I had peeped in on her that night because I heard a faint whimper so I knew she was trying to cry silently and not wake me up, but I had already been up. I watched her for a while until she put the picture in a shoe box and slid it back under her bed.

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