The World Meeting

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Hello I am BuckeyeKitty the author of this story. I own nothing but the States and DC's OC. Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. Some states will have their appearance told when introduced and some later when the countries get to know them. Also I am very bad with accents.

"...." Thoughts

"...." Speaking

With America POV

The World Meeting was the usual. By that America meant England and France were fighting, Italy was talking about pasta, Spain was trying to hug Romano, Romano was yelling at Spain, Greece was sleeping, Belarus was trying to get Russia to marrying her, Russia was hiding from Belarus and scarring the Baltics, China was trying to get everyone to buy his food, Japan was not talking and reading the atmosphere, Canada(Who) wasn't getting noticed, Germany was trying to get everyone's attention so he could start the meeting, and America was yelling about being a hero. America felt something was wrong at home. He hoped his kids (the states) were alright. Suddenly the doors open and revealed and kid that looks no older than 18 in a suit. Everyone was silent.

"Delaware what, wait why is he here?" America

He looked around till he found America and came over and whispered "Dad all three sets of twins got a hold of swords, also Nicoletta lost her pipe and is crying. In all we need you to come home please."

"Well guys the hero is needed at home so peace" America said.

"Bloody hell America you can't just leave you git" said England.

"I can and I will," said America, "Sorry dudes."

America left with the Child (Delaware) and went home.

When he went home he yelled "Virginia, West Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, North Dakota, and South Dakota. GET DOWN HERE NOW!!!! Alaska come here sweetheart."

Seven children came down. America picked up the five year old girl who had snow white hair and violet eyes. She was wearing a long coat with a light blue scarf.

He asked "Nicoletta where did you have your pipe last?"

"In my room," said the little girl (Nicoletta/Alaska).

"Then go check there for it ok" said America.

"Ok, Daddy" said Nicoletta jumping out of America's arms and running to her room.

"As for you six," said America, "Weapons." He held out his hands and the kids gave him the weapons they were hiding. "Del had to come get me from the World Meeting because of you six.

Virginia (Virginia), Carolina (South Carolina), Carol (North Carolina), and Wally (West Virginia) you four know better. Dakota (North Dakota) and Abe (South Dakota) you know better as well. I'm not going to ground you because we are probably going to have some guests as I had to LEAVE and World Meeting with a 18 year old I seemed to know" said America.

"Sorry Dad" said the six at the same time.

"You are dismissed," said America, "Daniel do you think I am going to be questioned if I go back to the meeting?"

"Yes, but you could say I am an assistant and you had to do fix something at home," said Daniel (Delaware), "Then you wouldn't have to tell what I am to you and you wouldn't be telling a lie."

Then America's phone rang. He answered "Hello."

"Al, the G8 is coming over to your house to see why you had to leave" said Matthew (Canada).

"What when!?" asked Alfred (America).

"After the meeting" said Matthew.

"I was expecting them but not this soon" said Alfred.

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