(WIP) Is that Normal?

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Hello I am BuckeyeKitty the author of this story. I own nothing but the States and DC's OC. Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. Also I am very bad with accents. If you don't like sad stories stop reading. It's going to get dark. If you don't like UsUk, Sorry I do. Also I have no idea what I'm doing.

"...." Thoughts

"...." Speaking


"Sooo....., What the longest time that you've grounded someone?" Antonio asked

"A century, it was after the Civil War," Alfred responded

The states involved groaned.

"You do NOT get to complain about that," Alfred told his kid's in a very serious voice that most countries hadn't heard from him.

"Sorry Dad," Jamie said for all of them.

"Better be."

Nicoletta laughed from her place on Ivan's lap.

"It's not nice to laugh at your siblings, Alaska," Ivan scolded.

"Have any of the states fought in wars?" Ludwig asked.

"Yes, all without my permission."

"We were just trying to help!" Penny protested.

"They only one he allowed was the revolutionary war," Gilbert cut in.

"I had no choice, they were already to involved."

"What how?" Felicano asked

Alfred glared at the floor and said, "Unimportant and none of anyone's business."

"Right..." Antonio said suspiciously.

"Do you think the states will interrupt world meetings now that they've been found out?" Gilbert asked.

"Yes," Jamie answered.

"No more then three states per meeting, unless it's Del or DC they can come in anytime."

"Why not, 'Ginia or Mary?" Aaron asked, literally dropping from the vents.

The countries know didn't know before this trip stared at him.

"How long have you been up there?" Missy asked.

"A while."

"Because Virginia and Mary can be bribed into not helping."

"Rude!" Mary's voice was heard.

"But true!" Daniel's voice was heard from another part of the house.

"And that's why you can't say anything in this house," Flora spoke up.

"Yep," Aaron and walked out of the room.

"I-Is that- Is that normal?" Yao asked

"Yes." Penny answered, "You get used to it."

"That and people walking in a room asking a worrying question getting a just as worrying answer back and walking back out," Lovino chimed in.

"Especially, during election season," Jamie said.

"How crazy are your holidays?" Francis asked

Alfred stared straight ahead, eyes almost glazed over.

It was Matthew who answered, "Hope you never find out."

The states and other nations, at least those who knew, nodded in agreement.

"It's it really that bad?" Antonio asked.

"Yes," Gilbert answered, "Sadly."

Alfred seemed to come back to himself, and grabbed his phone, checking something. "Sorry, I didn't remember if I had started my list for Christmas."

"So soon?" Arthur asked

Alfred nodded.

"You need to start very soon after the last Christmas, otherwise you don't finish in time," Natayla said.

"All states have a running list of what everyone is getting everyone else, for both Christmas and Birthdays," Missy spoke up.

"It gets a little crazy," Lovino agreed.

"A little," Alfred laughed.

"It's a lot more than a little, Zio Lovi," Lila said.

"Holidays made this house even more of a madhouse than it already is," Mitch said.

"Like you help any," Izzy said.

"Izzy, be nice," Alfred scolded.

"Yes, Dad," Izzy said.


Not a full chapter but another update.


Oh, and Happy Holidays! :-)



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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