"It's midnight! Where the hell were you?"

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Derek Prompt
"It's midnight! Where the hell were you?"

You giggled as you stumbled down the street with your heels in one hand and a half drunk beer in the other. The red dress you wore was riding up your thighs but you remained careless as you skipped through the streets buzzing from the alcohol you had recently consumed.

You heard the revving of a car pulling up beside you but paid no mind as you took another swig of your beer.

"Get in the car Y/N," You heard a familiar husky voice call out but couldn't quite place it due to the haziness in your mind.

"No, I can't sorry. Me no get in cars with strangers. Thank you though!" You slurred out and continued skipping and drinking from your bottle.

"Y/N, don't make me get out of the car. Get in right now!" The husky voice grew angrier.

"No, danger in strangers." You replied slurring sassily and skipped away.

A squeal escaped your mouth as your bottle was pulled out of your hand thrown onto the sidewalk and glass shattered everywhere.

"That was mine!" You whined as you were thrown over a muscular shoulder. A large hand clamped firmly on your behind and you were carried towards a familiar black car. The rest of the ride was a blur as the water that was being shoved into your hand began to help sober you up.

You felt yourself being carried up stairs and dropped down onto a couch.

"Derek?" You blinked trying to see the familiar muscled wolf clearly.

"It's midnight! Where the hell were you? I looked every where for you, only to find you drunk stumbling through the streets in a short dress! Do you know how worried I was?!" He yelled his hands clenched and his eyes flashing a bright blue.

"Dude, keep it down will you. I have a pounding headache." You groaned rubbing your temples.

"Good! You deserve it! Walking around the streets like that, do you have any idea what could've happened to you?" His fists continued to clench and eyes flash.

You clenched your eyes shut as memories of telling Derek you love him only for him to shut you down flash within your mind.
You scoffed and stood up adjusting the dress that had ridden up your thighs an action that didn't go amiss to Derek as they also glanced down at your bare thighs and began to walk out of his loft picking up your shoes on the way to the door.

"What are you doing? Do you actually think I'm going to let you leave this place in the state you're in?" He scoffed moving in front of you blocking the only exit.

"Excuse you! You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do. I'm not in your pack, so there's no need to worry about me. But thanks, plus I'm pretty sure you made it clear you couldn't care less about me."
You smiled sarcastically as you attempted to shove past him. His eyes flashed with guilt and regret as he blocked you again.

"Y/N, you know we can't be together."

"Okay, cool that's good to know, now please get out of my way." You spoke trying to ignore the way the words made your heart twist painfully as tears began to well in your eyes.

"Just please stay the night, you can leave in the morning when you've sobered up." He pleaded.

"Don't you get it Derek? I love you! So much and it took me so much courage to be able to tell you that and you shut me down. It's not the same anymore, I can't just be around you. I need to stay away from you, I need to move on and if going out, drinking and meeting someone new is going to do it please let me do it." Your chest puffed up and down. The anger that once resided within you had dissipated and you were left with exhaustion. You were done with heartbreak. It sucked and you just wanted to move on and that wasn't going to happen if you were always around him.

"Just stay away from-" You were cut off as one hand clasped around your neck and another gripped your waist and roughly pulled you towards his awaiting lips. Your lips moved in sync as your hands drifted to rest on his chest. You pulled away breathless and rested your forehead against his.

"What was that for?" You questioned.

"I thought not being with you would be good way to keep you protected. But if not being with you means I lose you then I could never let that happen." He whispered against your lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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