He Gets Jealous

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Stiles had always been insecure especially when you began dating he couldn't believe that such a beautiful girl could be with him. He was always easily jealous when you talked to other guys he was also insecure and scared you might leave him. So when your friendship with Isaac began to grow, so did Stiles' hate and jealousy of him.

You walked into school your hands intwined with Stiles. You squealed seeing your best friend Isaac you ran towards him pulling him into a big bear hug.

Stiles stood with a jealous expression before marching forward. He grabbed your arm and spun you away from Isaac succeeding at interrupting your conversation and pulled you into his embrace placing a hard kiss onto your lips.

Your eyes were still open in shock at the fact your boyfriend had interrupted your conversation with your best friend to make out in the middle of the hallway.  Your eyes soon closed as you got lost within the kiss.  Stiles hands ran down your spine before reaching your butt and giving it a hard squeeze and pushing you up against the locker.

You heard Isaac faintly say something about the situation being awkward and walking away. After a few moments, you pulled away.

"What was that for?" You asked shocked

His cheeks turned a bit pink and he mumbled something under his breathe.

"Huh?" You asked him

"IwasjealousofhowcloseyouandIsaacare," He explained quickly

After knowing Stiles for a long time you learned to understand him when he talked really fast. You removed your arms from around his neck and pinched both of his cheeks.

"Aww, you were jealous of Isaac and I? You're so cute," You cooed pecking his lips.

"I'm not cute. I'm a man," he mumbled

"Aw, you're my man,"  You said pecking his lips again and dragged him off to your next class.

You had known Derek all your life, your older brother was best friends with him when they were high school and you and Derek had always had a close relationship but when your brother passed away you and Derek grew even more closer and Derek turned into an older brother figure being over protective and all. So when Isaac was turned he was shocked to find out a shy girl like you spent so much time with Derek.

Isaac and you have been together for a bit over six months and he wanted to take you to a movie on the Friday but you had already planned to go over to Derek's to train with him it was yours and Dereks thing to spend time together.  Every Friday you and Derek would do something and this week it was training. Isaac knew that your brother passed but he didn't know the reason why you spent so much time with Derek.

"But why can't you come," Isaac whined to you trailing behind you as you walked towards your locker.

"You know why Isaac, you know I do something with Derek every Friday," You retorted

"Well so your picking him over me?" He asked suddenly angry

You sighed whilst slamming your locker and turning towards him leaning your back on the locker.

"No Isaac I'm not choosing anyone over anyone. You know why I spend so much time with Derek?  Because when my brother passed I grew closer to Derek becaue he was (Y/B/N) best friend and whenever I spend time with Derek I feel like I have an older brother again. I feel like I never lost my older brother. Derek helped me alot when (Y/B/N) died," After finishing your rant you turned on your heel and began walking away, only to he pulled back into your boyfriend's arms.

He leaned down "Look I'm sorry ok. I didn't know that but I was really jealous that Derek got to spend so much time with you and I kept thinking that you would leave me for him,"

You made a disgusted face "Ew yuck that's like incest Isaac, you have nothing to worry about I don't have any romantic feelings towards Derek whatsoever ok I love you not him," You said reaching up on your tippy toes to plant a chaste kiss to him lips.

Since the twins first came to school Aiden would repeatedly flirt with you, no matter how many times you turned him down.

You were getting books out of your locker for your next class when your locker slammed shut. You looked up hoping to meet the eyes of your boyfriend but instead met the eyes of a certain alpha twin and it wasn't the gay one.

You sighed hugging the books closer to your chest.  "What do you want Aiden?"

His face stretched into a large smirk and he inched closer raising his hands so that you were caged into your locker.  He moved his lips closer to your ear "You," he whispered huskily.

You scoffed and let out a laugh and pushed him against his chest "Unfortunately, as I've stated many times. I'm not available," You turned on your heel and walk away.

You felt someone grab your wrist and pull you into their chest. You looked up scowling at Aiden. "Can't you take a hint. I'm. Not. Interested. " You spoke through clenched teeth poking his chest with the last three words.

He only smirked at you. "I like a girl who's fierce, "

"You heard her she's not interested, " You heard the voice of your boyfriend. 

Aiden let you go and turned towards Scott. You jogged over to Scott once free of Aiden's arms. Scott wound his arms around your waist and pulled you tight against him.

"Next time I catch you near her it won't be just a warning, " His eyes flashing red.

You watched Aiden turn on his heel and stalk away and soon Scott's lips were pressed hard on yours.

"What was that for?" You giggled

"You're mine," He growled and kissed your forehead.

Stiles was your twin brother and  Scott being Stiles best friend also meant him being yours as well. But Scott and your relationship was different to others. 

Your relationship was more intimate,  you were always hugging, cuddling and when you were together you always seemed to be touching. Stiles and everyone was used to it since you have been friends for years and it was completely platonic. But your boyfriend Derek was definitely not used to it.

When ever you and Scott were together and touching he'd always pull you away and into his arms shooting glares towards Scott. You had always been oblivious but not today. The pack had been at the loft and you noticed that Derek was non stop glaring at your best friend so when they left you had cornered Derek and began your interrogation.

"What's your problem?" You demanded

He shrugged nonchalantly "What do you mean?"

"Don't act dumb, why do you keep glaring at Scott?" You demanded again

He shrugged and went to walk away but you blocked his path and gave him the 'look'.

"Fine. Why is he always touching you? " He exclaimed throwing his arms up

You were confused for a second when you clicked realizing that he was jealous.  Of Scott and you.

You couldn't help it, you burst out laughing.

"You're jealous of Scott? You think there's something going on between us? Oh babe your so funny, " You breathed between laughs patting his chest then walking away.

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