You're Best Friends And End Up In Bed Together (Part II)

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You pulled your hood further down your head as you walked further into school. You had been avoiding not only Scott but the whole crew since that sinful Friday night three days ago. Your phone had practically been going off all weekend.

You didn’t know if you were avoiding Scott because of that awkward, after one night stand thing or because you could feel those forbidden feels growing inside of you for your best friend. Which you did not want especially since he did a quick hump and dump.

“(Y/N)!” You heard your name being called out

You looked up and saw the top of Scott’s head through the crowd and you ducked down making yourself smaller than your usual height and made yourself blend in the crowd.

“(Y/N)! wait up!” Scott called at you as you pushed through the crowd.

You continued pushing through the crowd as you heard Scott’s calls getting closer. You quickly ran down the stairs that lead to the locker rooms.

“(Y/N) stop!”

You quickly ran into the locker room and slammed the door shut turning the lock and leaning your head against the door gathering your breath back.

You jumped when there was a bang on the door.

“(Y/N) what are you doing? Open the door!” He yelled banging his hand against it.

“No!” You called out

“(Y/N) I swear if you don’t open this door I will break it down!” He growled out

“Fuck you and fuck off Scott,” You spat

You jumped away from the door when you heard the handle being ripped off and ran to the other side of the room.

You watched as the door got kicked open and Scott stormed into the room his eyes red and his claws out.

His eyes stopped on you after scanning the room and he strode towards you and with every step he took forward you took back until you were pressed up against the locker.

“Why are you running from me,” He growled still in werewolf form

“Not everything revolves around you,”

“Well then why are you avoiding me,”

“I am not avoiding you,”

“Look about the other night-“You cut him off

“I don’t want to talk about it,”

“I just wanted-“ You cut him off again


“Stop interrupting me and listen!” He snapped

You grudgingly crossed your arms and gestured to continue.

“Last Friday when we slept together it was great and I know I told you to forget about it the next day but I didn’t mean it I swear. I was nervous because I know we were both drunk the night before and I thought you may have regretted it and I didn’t want that because (Y/N) I like you. I like you a lot and I think I have since when I first met you and-“ He continued to ramble on but you cut him off by pressing your lips to his.

“I like you too,” You smiled against his lips.


You had been calling him all weekend but each time it went to voice mail. You even went as far to going over to his house but Sheriff Stilinski answered and said that he was ‘sick’. Yeah right sick enough to sleep with me the previous night.

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